
Raila in grand ODM revamp ahead of 2027

He met his troops on how to grow numbers at grassroots and strengthen outfit.


News18 November 2023 - 02:41

In Summary

  • ODM elected leaders to take charge of the membership registration in their areas.
  • Raila is also planning to overhaul National Elections Board.
Nyando MP Jared Okello, ODM leader Raila Odinga and his DAP-K counterpart Eugene Wamalwa during a press Conference at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation on November 16, 2023

Opposition chief Raila Odinga has embarked on grand revamp of his ODM party days after he signalled a sixth stab at the presidency.

The former Prime Minister on Friday summoned his troops to Nairobi to deliberate on how to grow the party’s numbers at the grassroots as well as strengthen the outfit.

The meeting chaired by Raila himself was attended by all ODM governors, senators, National Executive Committee members as well as leaders of county assemblies.

All the 47 ODM chairpersons also attended the special Parliamentary Group meeting at Parkplace.

The fresh round of his aggressive efforts to redeem ODM's image comes week after the opposition party expressed intention to overhaul its National Elections Board to bring in fresh blood to propel the outfit ahead of next elections.

NEB is regarded as the heart of a political party as it makes high-impact decisions to foster cohesion and strong performance in general elections.

In the PG meeting, all ODM elected leaders were urged to facilitate party activities including paying for offices in their jurisdictions.

“MCAs were told to voluntary pay for our ward offices while our MPs and even governors should be responsible for the activities within the sub-counties, ” a party official who attended the meeting told the Star.

“You know, the party is constrained in terms of resources and can only facilitate up to county offices.”

On the membership drive, all leaders have been instructed to lead the exercise in their areas, a move seen to counter similar initiatives by the ruling UDA party that has in the recent months camped in the lakeside region.

UDA has been recruiting members and ‘poaching’ Raila’s pillars in the former prime minister’s political turf.

Last month, former Kisumu ODM chairman and Raila's long-term confidant Ayiecho Olweny became the latest to ditch the party for UDA.

The meeting also resolved that elected members be in charge of the drive in their jurisdictions with backing from top party officials who will lead similar initiative in select counties.

“The party leader will selectively launch the drive in some areas, other officials including the chairman and secretary general will also do complementary ones in other areas, ” the source said.

Addressing journalists after the PG, ODM secretary general Edwin Sifuna confirmed the membership drive will be conducted in all the 47 counties.

“To make the party stronger, we have embarked on a nationwide exercise of membership recruitment to enhance our numbers,” Sifuna said.

“We shall move from county to county to recruit members into the party in readiness for the grassroots elections to be held early next year.”

Raila launched the membership recruitment drive in his home county of Siaya on Saturday last week.

The members were also apprised on the status of the talks by National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi .

Wandayi is among the five Azimio delegates in the ten-man Bomas team.

Azimio on Tuesday declared a stalemate during report writing after the two sides failed to agree on the cost of living.

They however agreed to meet again on Wednesday to unlock the stalemate and conclude talks before the Friday deadline.

Sifuna faulted Kenya Kwanza, accusing the government of being casual on the pressing issue of cost of living.

“The cost of living is a thorn in the flesh of millions of Kenyans. Kenyans are suffering and forced to bear the brunt of high taxes and unreasonable levies imposed on them by Kenya Kwanza administration,” Sifuna said.

“Whereas we note some of our members are engaged in the National Dialogue Committee deliberations, we take great exception to the apparent reluctance by Kenya Kwanza in addressing the issue of the cost of living.”

The party also backed its party leader in demanding full disclosure of the oil deal with Saudi Arabia and United Arabs Emirates.

“We reiterate the challenge he posed for the government to table the G-to – G agreement with UAE and Saudi governments and table proof of corporate tax payments by the contracted oil firms, supplier purchase agreements and explain how the EPPRA boss Kiptoo ended as both negotiator and referee as far as the price of purchase and sale of oil is concerned,” the Nairobi senator said.

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