Ipoa takes up Ngong police rape case

The victim says the police inspector used his gun force her into his car.

In Summary
  • The victim further told the police that the vehicle stopped near where she was and the driver alighted and approached her.
  • The police said they have since established that the vehicle belongs to a policeman, an inspector of police.

The Independent Policing Oversight Authority  has taken over a rape case involving a senior police officer.

The Kajiado North police commander, Abduba Hussein, told the Star the case involving one of his officers, who was expected in court, had been taken over by Ipoa. 

“The court gave direction and the matter has now been taken over by Ipoa, which will investigate the case to its conclusion,” Hussein said. 

Earlier reports emerged that relatives of the suspected police officer had approached the victim and proposed an out-of-court settlement.

County police commander David Mburukwa visited Ngong' police station and spoke to the victim.

Before the Ipoa took over the case, relatives wanted to pay the victim Sh100,000, but she rejected the offer after telling the family members she would consider their approach but only if they paid Sh3 million.

The victim spoke to the Star after meeting with the officer commanding police division and said the rape ordeal had ruined her life and destroyed her self-esteem to the core.  

“I am employed, and scared to face my colleagues after this heinous incident. I do not want my people to get to know this shameful thing. They came to me with an offer, but they wanted to give me peanuts. I have decided that we will proceed to the courts,” she said.  

The senior policeman was arrested on Friday night. He is suspected to have lured the victim into his car.

The case was entered at the Ngong police station under reference occurrence book No. 41/17/11/2023 on Sunday.

“A female resident of Gichagi on Friday night around 11.20pm while walking from Ngong' to Gichagi was stopped by a man driving a vehicle,” the report said.

She said she was stopped by a man driving a red Toyota Fielder.

The victim further told the police that the vehicle stopped near where she was and the driver alighted and approached her.

The police said they have since established that the vehicle belongs to a policeman, an inspector of police.

She claimed the police officer grabbed her hand and forced her into the said motor vehicle at gunpoint and drove towards veterinary farm, a government ranch near Ngong' town. 

She further claimed when they got to the farm, the man raped her inside the car.

She was then driven back to Ngong and abandoned. She later made a report at Ngong police station.  

The suspect was traced and arrested on the same night.

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