
Sakaja to take boy caught in scuffle with askari to school

He was found selling peanuts in the CBD against county guidelines.


News22 November 2023 - 16:57

In Summary

  • County secretary, however, alleged that the boy has on several occasions been reported spilling his peanuts to seek sympathy and evade arrest.
  • Sakaja implored upon city enforcement officers to nonetheless treat traders with dignity and in a humane manner.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja during a meeting with trader Ndagire Renova on November 22, 2023.

Nairobi County Governor Johnson Sakaja has come to the aid of a trader who was allegedly harassed by a County inspectorate officer.

In a video circulated widely on social media, the hawker who has since been identified as 14-year-old Burundi national Ndagire Renova is seen being comforted by members of the public as he cried hysterically while bemoaning the loss of his roast peanuts that had been spilled on the ground.

The officer found him selling peanuts in the CBD in contravention of the County’s Street vending guidelines.

But in a statement Wednesday evening, Sakaja through the County Secretary and head of County Public Service Patrick Akivaga said efforts will be put in place to ensure the youngster resumes school.

"Following the meeting with the Governor, the County has engaged the Ambassador of Burundi to Kenya Ms Ntahonkuriye Emmernece to ensure the young man is supported in his best interests to resume school and secure a future," he said.

The county secretary, however, alleged that the boy has on several occasions been reported spilling his peanuts to seek sympathy and evade arrest.

"Unfortunately, when Ndagire was caught and the enforcement officer impounded his goods, the minor struggled to spill its contents onto the ground after the handle broke." 

"This is something he has been reported to have previously done at Afya Centre and outside City Market. A number of hawkers employ this tactic, which naturally attracts sympathy and public outrage and prevents their further arrest."

According to Sakaja, the county will further engage with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to address child trafficking and immigration issues in the city.

He said there has been an influx of illegal hawkers and beggars from neighboring countries flooding Nairobi.

Sakaja implored upon city enforcement officers to nonetheless treat traders with dignity and in a humane manner.

Earlier in the month, the governor brought together the leadership of hawkers, traders and enforcement officers and an agreement was reached on the streets where hawkers are allowed to operate.

It was also agreed that operating times begin at 4pm in the designated streets.


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