Bungoma records 524 new HIV infections as Kanduyi leads with 22%

The report further indicated that over 27,000 people live with HIV in Bungoma County.

In Summary
  • The report further indicated that over 27,000 people live with HIV in Bungoma County.
  • The percentage of new infections per Sub-county are Kimilili (13) Tongaren (13), Bumula (11), Webuye West (11), Kabuchai (10), Webuye East (7), Sirisia (5), Mt Elgon (4) and Cheptais (4)
Bungoma County deputy governor Jenipher Mbatiany and Health and sanitation CEC Dr.Andrew Wamalwa (in specks) when they joined residents in a dance during the World AIDS day in Kimilili on December,01,2023.
Bungoma County deputy governor Jenipher Mbatiany and Health and sanitation CEC Dr.Andrew Wamalwa (in specks) when they joined residents in a dance during the World AIDS day in Kimilili on December,01,2023.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) report 2023 has indicated that Bungoma has recorded 524 new HIV infections with Kanduyi Sub County leading with 22 percent.

The report further indicated that over 27,000 people live with HIV in Bungoma County.

The percentage of new infections per Sub-county are Kimilili (13) Tongaren (13), Bumula (11), Webuye West (11), Kabuchai (10), Webuye East (7), Sirisia (5), Mt Elgon (4) and Cheptais (4)

Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) research 2022 showed that the per cent of women between ages 15-49 who ever tested for HIV and received results was 74% and those in the last 12 months who tested for HIV and received results was 39%.

Speaking during an event to mark World AIDS Day at Amtalla stadium in Kimilili on Friday, Bungoma County deputy governor Jenipher Mbatiany stated that the trend is worrying and called on area residents to abstain from unprotected sex.

"Our dear County men and women in Bungoma County our population is 1,722,575 of which 27,458 are people living with HIV (PLHIV) representing 2.3% of the population," she said.

She said that in 2023, Bungoma recorded 524 new HIV infections of which 365 were adults and 159 were children.

Adolescent girls and young women contribute 11 to 45% of new infections. The international average of (mother to child transmission) MTCT Rate is supposed to be below 5% but currently, its high in Bungoma County stands at 10%.

She said that world aids Day is marked globally purposely to increase awareness about the AIDS pandemic stemming from HIV infection.

"Today we join forces in the ongoing fight against HIV, express solidarity with those living with the virus, and honour the memory of those who lost their lives due to AIDS-related illnesses," Mbatiany stated.

The DG stated that the number of adolescents and young adults living with HIV is very alarming.

She affirmed that the high number of GBV cases especially in Mt Elgon, Kimilili, and Tongaren sub-counties are big contributors to HIV transmission.

The high number of teen pregnancies as seen in Kimilili, Mt Elgon, and Kanduyi contributes to the high infections in those relevant sub-counties.

She said that the poor adherence to ARVs, for those who have tested positive and poor health-seeking behavior especially seen in men as men present themselves late for health care high index of stigma in the county.

The theme for this year is “Let communities lead”.

We are called upon to adopt best practices in our lives and relationships as a way of combating this pandemic.

Health and sanitation CEC Dr.Andrew Wamalwa.
Health and sanitation CEC Dr.Andrew Wamalwa.

Mbatiany noted that the task ahead for our Community Health Professionals and our entire Health Care team is immense, pointing out that as a county we shall do whatever it takes to assist locals in the fight against HIV.

“As we conclude this day I am glad to report as Bungoma, as a county we are in-cooperating the HIV Exposed Infants (HEI) graduation to celebrate the milestones we have made as a county,” the deputy governor noted.

She added:

“We are honouring mothers who went out of their way in adherence to care and treatment and ultimately came out with negative healthy babies,”

Health and sanitation CEC Dr Andrew Wamalwa called on area residents to abstain from reckless sexual behaviour which can risk their lives.

"Be worried about this disease, the stigma and how people talk ill after contracting it is very bad, be the first person to control it," he warned.

Chief Officer Dr Magrina Mayama, Director Dr Caleb Watta, partners and several people were present.

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