Relief for Kakamega as doctors call off strike

Barasa said a channel of communication has been opened to resolve issues in the health sector

In Summary
  • This flowed a daylong meeting between the KMPDU Western branch officials and the county executive led by Governor Fernandes Barasa on Monday.
  • Makomere said that the two parties had agreed on a comprehensive medical cover members and an NHIF cover for all medical staff.
KMPDU Western branch chairman Dr Joseph Makomere after a meeting with the county executive at Bukhungu stadium on Monday
KMPDU Western branch chairman Dr Joseph Makomere after a meeting with the county executive at Bukhungu stadium on Monday

The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union has called off a strike set to begin on December 10.

This followed a daylong meeting between KMPDU Western officials and Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa on Monday.

Barasa said a channel of communication has been opened to resolve issues in the health sector.

Chairman Dr Joseph Makomere said that the county had agreed to address their concerns.

Makomere said the two parties agreed on a comprehensive medical cover for members and an NHIF cover for all medical staff.

“We have also agreed on a programme for promotion of medical staff,” he said.

Branch secretary Dr Sande Charo said the county went to the negotiating table ready to address issues affecting the sector.

“All the issues raised have been agreed upon except one, which we have an agreement on the follow up of its implementation,” he said.

The strike notice raised issues including, questionable promotions, unfair treatment of doctors in management positions, suspension of post graduate training and staff shortage.

Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa addressing the media after a meeting with KMPDU officials at Bukhungu stadium on Monday
Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa addressing the media after a meeting with KMPDU officials at Bukhungu stadium on Monday

“We don’t want services to be interrupted. Moving forward, my office will always be open for discussions to give priority to our health sector,” Barasa said.

“The county has already facilitated the automatic common cadre promotions for doctors in Kakamega, as we conclude the implementation of the pending issues."

He said there is need to improve working conditions for healthcare workers, which is a key pillar in his transformation agenda.

KMPDU had issued a strike notice for medics working in six more counties namely, Nakuru, Embu, Vihiga, Kajiado, Busia, and Kilifi.

The strikes sought to address issues such as inadequate hospital equipment, insufficient drug supplies, failure to honour Collective Bargaining Agreements and delayed promotions among others.

Health executive Bernard Wesonga said the County Public Service Board will fast-track the process of replacing doctors, who had left the county in the past one year.

“We have advertised for recruitment of additional doctors. For replacements, the interviews are ongoing to replace five medical officers and one pharmacist. The deadline for application is December 13,” he said.

Wesonga said the county had also advertised for the recruitment of one Ear Nose and Throat specialist, 11 medical officers, five pharmacists, and three dentists. 

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