Businessman charged with fraudulently obtaining Sh2.4m

He was released on a Sh500,000 bond.

In Summary
  • Saindi Kamundi was charged before Senior Principal Magistrate Margret Murage where he denied the charges.
  •  The accused person denied the wrongdoing before Kibera Senior Principal Magistrate Margret Murage.
Saindi Kamundi in Kibera court where he denied the charges
Saindi Kamundi in Kibera court where he denied the charges

A businessman who allegedly tricked a man into paying him Sh2,450,000 but failed to help him buy a vehicle has been charged with cheating at a Kibera Court.

Saindi Kamundi was charged before Senior Principal Magistrate Margret Murage where he denied the charges.

The court heard that he committed the offence on diverse dates between March 9, 2023, and March 16, 2023, at Thomas Estate in Nairobi County using fraudulent tricks that he allegedly employed on Morris Maugu Gitonga pretending that he was in a position to sell him a motor vehicle, a fact he knew was false.

He denied the charges and pleaded for a lenient bond term through his lawyer.

His lawyer told the court that the accused was a law-abiding citizen and not a flight risk.

The lawyer further urged the court to supply the defence with all the witness statements and documentary pieces of evidence that the prosecution intended to rely on during the entire trial.

He was released on a Sh500,000 bond.

The magistrate directed that the matter be mentioned on December 28 for pre-trials and further directions.

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