Form 2 girl dies by suicide after quarrel with mum in Naivasha

Substance abuse and peer pressure blamed for the rising cases

In Summary

• Lakeview chief Phillip Ariri said police had collected the body and opened an inquest file.

• Early in the year, a Grade 6 student took her life using a rope after a quarrel with her parents.


A mother and daughter quarrel ended in tragedy after the Form 2 girl died in suspected suicide in the sprawling Kihoto estate in Naivasha.

The 16-year-old girl allegedly locked herself in the house after a heated argument with her mother and hang herself at the weekend.

This is the third case of a student death by suicide in the lakeside town, with substance abuse and peer pressure blamed for the rising cases.

Lakeview chief Phillip Ariri said police had collected the body and opened an inquest file.

“The report we have is that the girl had a quarrel with the mother before locking herself in the house where she died by suicide,” he said.

Elder John Otieno claimed that the girl had on several occasions fallen out with the mother over cases of indiscipline.

He said the teenager had escaped from home for more than two weeks and when she returned she had an altercation with her mother.

“There are reports that the girl even bit the mother before locking herself in the house,” he said.

Early in the year, a Grade 6 student took her life using a rope after a quarrel with her parents.

Meanwhile, police in the town are investigating an incident where thugs raided St Xavier Catholic Church and made away with the weekend offerings.

They raided the church offices and made away with several boxes containing cash.

The empty boxes were later be found dumped at the nearby Milimani Primary School in what police believe was an inside job.

According to a police source, the thugs did not steal anything else from the office except the boxes containing the offerings and tithes.

“Workers found the office broken into and all the cash boxes missing. They later found them dumped at Milimani Primary School compound,” the senior officer said.

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