
Former governor's new political activities worries opponents

Rivals wrote him off too soon and shivers are running down the incumbent’s spine.


Corridors-of-power17 December 2023 - 12:34
Who's doing what to whom, why, when, where and how

Recent actions of a former governor have sent shivers down the spine of his nemesis with his reactivated political activities. The pioneer governor, who lost his second bid, has been busy attending functions in the county and assembling a political party, sending everyone guessing about his next political move. Those who have lined up to succeed the incumbent, who is serving his last term, have been sent back to the drawing board. This is because of the former governor's financial muscle and networks that give him an edge over any aspirant. Only time will tell whether the former county chief is up to the task, or has the money to fill many pockets.

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