Misrepresentation of facts! Mwaura censures media report attacking Ruto over taxes

Mwaura said the report, done by an International Media, lacked facts on the state of the country.

In Summary
  • He affirmed that the Ruto-led administration has been able to create job opportunities through the Affordable Housing project.
  • On Sunday, the President admitted that the country is facing tough economic times.
The Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura speaking on December 20, 2023.
The Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura speaking on December 20, 2023.

Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura has told off an international media for attacking President William Ruto regarding taxes.

An article by the international media criticised the President over his taxation measures in the country.

Speaking on Wednesday, Mwaura accused the media report of lacking facts on the State of the country.

"It is a serious misrepresentation of facts, Kenya is a free country and we allow the freedom of the press. However, it is also good for the International media to represent facts when it comes to what is happening in the country," he said.

He affirmed that the Ruto-led administration has been able to create job opportunities through the Affordable Housing project.

“I want to remind the media house that the first visitor from the United Kingdom to come to Kenya was the King. If Kenya didn't have a positive reputation in the world, I don't think the Kinga and the Queen would have chosen Kenya.”

He has asked the media to retract the article and find the reality in terms of economic growth, job creation, and general stability.

“We want to tell the media house that as the government they should retract the misleading article. We value freedom of the press but they should also balance by reporting the truth of the matter.”

The President, in an interview on Sunday, admitted that the country is facing a tough economic time owing to the current debt situation that has necessitated the existing taxes.

He urged Kenyans to bear with the painful decisions he is making now and to enjoy in future.

"That is the truth. If I wasn't president, the kind of decisions I have made, very difficult, Kenya would not have been the same. Very painful decisions, I know they will cost me, but it is better to make them now than get Kenya into debt distress," he said.

In a press conference with several media houses on Sunday at State House, Nairobi, Ruto said he cannot lower taxes because the government will grind to a halt.

President Ruto said the only option is for Kenyans to pay the taxes for the country to remain afloat and meet the day-to-day operation of the government.

"In every Sh10 that I am collecting, Seven go to paying debt. Do you want me to go the direction other countries are going by defaulting on loans?" he said.

"While it is true that tomorrow I can say let us reduce the taxes, it is also true that tomorrow for every Sh10 I collect, Sh7 goes to paying debt."

The President has also assured Kenyans that the country is out of debt distress.

The President said that he needed to step in and make the decisions to help the country not to plunge into debt distress.

"Our economy today is out of debt distress and that is the truth. If I did not step in. The kind of decisions I have made are very painful. I know they will cause pain. It is better to make those decisions now than get Kenya into debt distress," he said.

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