Kalonzo backs planned anti-Ruto protests

The Wiper boss claims President swipe at Judiciary has exposed his true colours

In Summary
  • ICJ demands that Ruto retracts Judiciary utterances.
  • LSK has announced week-long protests from next week.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka

Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has backed the planned anti-government protests called by the Law Society of Kenya regarding President William Ruto's swipe at the Judiciary.

Kalonzo, a lawyer, described Ruto’s attack on Judiciary as unfortunate, urging the courts to remain firm and not be intimidated.

Ruto on Tuesday launched furious tirade against the Martha Koome-led Judiciary, announcing he will defy some of the court decisions derailing his government policy.

In a statement to newsrooms, Kalonzo told Judiciary not to fall to the intimidations by the Executive but to uphold the rule of law.

He castigated President Ruto accusing him of reneging on his earlier promise to uphold the independence of the courts.

“It is now evident that those who pretend to uphold the rule of law are now clearly exposing their true colours. They have paid lip service to the cardinal principles of the rule of law enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya, 2010,” Kalonzo said.

He urged Judiciary to remain true to their oath of protecting Kenyans.

“In the face of this onslaught on the profession and practice of law in this country, we call upon the Judiciary to remain firm and resolute in order to protect citizens' rights,” he said.

The Wiper boss also expressed support of the planned week-long protests by lawyers in solidarity with the Judiciary.

“We agree with the call by the LSK for nationwide peaceful protest throughout the coming week in support of the rule of law and in solidarity with the Judiciary,” he said.

The lawyers’ body on Wednesday called upon its members to participate in a countrywide peaceful protest in solidarity with the Judiciary following Ruto's utterances.

"We call upon all members to don purple ribbons throughout the coming week and join in the peaceful protests countrywide that will be organised by the society in support of the rule of law, and in solidarity with the Judiciary," LSK president Eric Theuri said in a statement. 

Kalonzo’s remarks came on a day International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Kenyan chapter demanded that the President retracts and clarifies his statement on “corrupt” judges.

 “In 2023, the President issued a stark ultimatum to what he called “corrupt individuals,” giving them three choices: leave the country, face imprisonment, or embark on a metaphorical journey to heaven commonly called “Mambo ni Matatu”. This warning was initially pronounced on Sunday, August 27, 2023, and despite drawing criticism, the President reiterated it on Wednesday,  August 30, 2023,” the statement reads. 

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