Lusaka warns administrators of extorting money from locals

"I’m getting disturbing information about corruption and extortion by some members of my government."

In Summary
  • The Ford Kenya governor warned those who are taking part in the malicious activities at the County that the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) will deal with those who will be found culpable.
  • The governor cited an incident where an administrator demanded money from a parent on allegations that he played an important role for him to get a scholarship form.
Governor Kenneth Lusaka addressing the administrators at Mabanga ATC on January,11,2024.
Governor Kenneth Lusaka addressing the administrators at Mabanga ATC on January,11,2024.

Bungoma governor Kenneth Lusaka has decried massive corruption amongst his administrators warning that if found, they will carry their cross.

In 2023, Lusaka also raised concerns about graft in his government where he revealed that some people in his administration are demanding kickbacks before work is done.

“You cannot be demanding money even before the work is done. That one is unacceptable,” Lusaka said, adding that he has received reports from the public of how they are being extorted.

He added:

“I know the economy is not favourable right now and everybody is trying to find his/her way out to get money but that is not the right route.”

The Ford Kenya governor warned those who are taking part in the malicious activities at the County that the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) will deal with those who will be found culpable.

The governor cited an incident where an administrator demanded money from a parent on allegations that he played an important role for him to get a scholarship form.

Lusaka stated;

"From where I sit as the governor, I am the greatest consumer of all intelligence. I’m getting disturbing information about corruption and extortion by some members of my government.”

The administrators include; ward administrators, Sub County administrators and village administrators.

Speaking at Mabanga ATC on Thursday during his installation as the Head of County Administration and Enforcement, Lusaka called on the county administrators to uphold integrity and work ethics in their day-to-day activities.

The County CEO however, acknowledged the work done by his administrators calling on them not to use excess force while executing their duties.

“As officers, I urge you not to use excessive force in the execution of your duties. Anyone found humiliating residents will face the full force of the law,” he said.

The Governor also announced that his Cabinet is in the final stages of working on the scheme of service for county administration officers and forwarding it to the County Assembly for approval in a bid to dignify the public service.

“We will be finalizing the scheme of service in our next cabinet meeting which will go a long way in boosting the morale of our officers in the execution of their duties,” he said.

The county boss further stated his administration is determined to fight the vice of teen pregnancies in the county to the end revealing he has scheduled a consultative meeting with key stakeholders on Tuesday next week.

Also present were Deputy Governor Jenipher Mbatiany, County Secretary William Nasong'o, County Police Commander Francis Kooli, MCAs, and CECMs among others.

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