Pro-Arati MCAs reject Machogu as mediator in talks with Osoro

Arati said he would not attend the meeting "whose mediator is both a referee and a player".

In Summary
  • Gusii Young professionals leader Douglas and former FKF chair Sam Nyamweya say talks will forestall further violence between the two.
  • He spoke on the sidelines of protests Monday against South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro who is embroiled in a major tiff with Arati.
Kisii Deputy Speaker Jacob Bagaka, Nyacheki MCA Naftal Onkoba and Masige East MCA Michael Motume riding on bikes during the Monday protests against South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro. The Ward Reps rejected CS Education Ezekiel Machogu as mediator between Governor Simba Arati and MP Sylvanus Osoro (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
Kisii Deputy Speaker Jacob Bagaka, Nyacheki MCA Naftal Onkoba and Masige East MCA Michael Motume riding on bikes during the Monday protests against South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro. The Ward Reps rejected CS Education Ezekiel Machogu as mediator between Governor Simba Arati and MP Sylvanus Osoro (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)

Pro-Arati Ward Reps on Monday rejected Education CS Ezekiel Machogu as a mediator in the raging feud between Kisii Governor Simba Arati and South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro.

They said they were distrustful of Machogu to midwife any meaningful talks between the two protagonists.

"If we are to have any mediation, it should not be midwifed by Machogu but retired Chief Justice David Maraga," stated group leader and Kisii County Assembly Deputy Speaker Jacob Bagaka.

He spoke on the sidelines of protests Monday against South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro who is embroiled in a major tiff with Arati.

Bagaka was flanked by Bobasi Ward Reps among them Naftal Onkoba (Nyacheki) and Michael Motume (Masige East).

Others were nominee Callen Maga ra.

The Ward Reps' rejection of Machogu as mediator comes a day after Arati also rejected Machogu as the arbiter. 

The Governor had been invited to join talks with Osoro and other invited leaders to a meeting scheduled for Tuesday this week aimed at ending the rivalry pitying the two.

Separately, a professional lobby consisting of young professionals backed the bid by Machogu to chair talks aimed at ending the tension between the two warring leaders.

Group leader Douglas Ogari however asked that more leaders be co-opted on board into the mediation table.

"We petition that more Gusii leaders and the Council of Elderly be invited. This is a political problem that needs to be solved politically," Ogari told journalists in Kisii.

He said the initiative by the CS should not be criticized adding that he is the senior-most public leader from Gusii and thus was in order to spearhead the talks.

Similar sentiments were echoed by former FKF chair Sam Nyamweya who said Kisii sorely needs peace for development to flourish.

"For now we ask both the governor and other leaders not to pour cold water on this effort. This momentous change should be used also to unite our people and ensure that we move forward as a county and as a leadership," he said.

On Saturday, Arati said he would not attend the meeting "whose mediator is both a referee and a player".

''I have no problem attending a meeting to find peace, but I will not attend one convened by players in the same conflict, that is unacceptable,'' Arati said during mass at Nyansakia Catholic Church.

''He can't become a player and a referee at the same time. Mr CS must come with clean hands."

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