Youth suicide: Parents not giving guidance – Pastor Dorcas

"Everywhere I go, boys come crying to me for guidance on issues that they could have been guided at home."

In Summary

• The Spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi said proper parental guidance is among the missing links in adequately addressing the vice.

• She cited depression as a among factor driving many young people to the rope at a time they need to contribute to nation building.

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi flanked by Zaheer Jhanda (left) Kisii School Principal Fred Mogaka and Woman Rep Donya Toto during a function at Kisii School on Wednesday, Jnuary 24, 2024.
Pastor Dorcas Rigathi flanked by Zaheer Jhanda (left) Kisii School Principal Fred Mogaka and Woman Rep Donya Toto during a function at Kisii School on Wednesday, Jnuary 24, 2024.

Suicide cases especially among the youth hooked to drug is at its all time high sparking grave concern.

The Spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi said proper parental guidance is among the missing links in adequately addressing the vice.

She cited depression as a among factor driving many young people to the rope at a time they need to contribute to nation building.

"It is very sad that in our universities and schools, even primary schools, we are witnessing such incidents owing to depression and frustration," she said.

Pastor Dorcas said it marks a significant low that parents were now burying their young children due to suicide, something that could be addressed in circumstances of proper care.

"To add salt to the injury, many of these young people are driven to depression by drugs, this is why we are here today," she said.

The Deputy President's spouse was speaking to students at Kisii School in her second day tour to the region.

She was hosted by Nyaribari Chache MP Zaheer Jhanda and Kisii Woman Rep Donya Toto.

The Second Lady said lack of sufficient parental guidance at home continues to pose major gaps in the wider efforts of addressing challenges affecting the the youth.

"Everywhere I go, boys come crying to me for guidance on issues that they could have been guided at home. Of course this is why we are witnessing so many suicides, the bulk being among the boys," she stated.

Pastor Dorcas urged students to stop wasting energy on things that would be derail their dreams citing alcohol and sex as examples.

"Do not get near things that can destroy your life. Never underestimate the value of hard work. Take advantage of resources availed to you to do academic exploits and God will help you," she said.

The DP's spouse especially cautioned against misuse of the social media saying it can turn into a curse when misused.

Nyaribari Chache MP Zaheer Jhanda on his part said he would fund the construction of a swimming pool at the school to aid in the training of swimming sports students.

Woman Rep Donya Toto urged the students to honour parents as the first step to achieving success in life.

Toto said many parents were stressed and it is important that the students give them easy time.

"Only through hard work, being consistent and good demonstration of positive spirit can lead to academic success," she said.

Kisii School Principal Fred Mogaka who hosted the leaders said substance and drugs abuse blurs the vision of the youth in shaping their future besides robbing the country of an important future workforce.

The school, Mogaka said, has already initiated a robust program to address drug abuse in the institution.

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