Traffic police accused of bribery arrested in Kitale

EACC says the three cops had been on their radar for days

In Summary

•The arrest was made by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) on Thursday through its North Rift Regional Office

•Earlier this week on Tuesday, two police officers at a police base within Bungoma County have been arrested for alleged bribery.


A police officer based within Eldoret County has been arrested for alleged bribery.

The arrest was made by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) on Thursday through its North Rift Regional Office

The officer is said to be among three police who are allegedly notorious for collecting bribes along the long Kitale-Kapenguria Road.

 EACC revealed that the three police officers had been on their radar for several days, following investigations into numerous complaints.

"They have been observed on several days openly extorting money from motorists along that road. The others evaded the Commission's dragnet and are being pursued," the statement reads.

The officer is held at Eldoret Central police station pending further processing on Friday.

Earlier this week on Tuesday, two police officers at a base within Bungoma County were arrested for alleged bribery.

The officers were accused of demanding a bribe to facilitate the release of a motorcycle they had impounded on claims that it was stolen property.

Confirming the arrest, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) Spokesperson Eric Ngumbi said the suspects were to be charged under the Bribery Act before the Bungoma Anti-Corruption Court on Wednesday.

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