State pathologist confirms Khalwale's farmhand Kizito was killed by bull

The State pathologist concluded that the initial autopsy was correct.

In Summary

•Khalwale killed the bull named ‘Inasio’ on the fateful Sunday in what he said was in keeping with the Luhya culture.

•Kizito’s body had multiple injuries believed to have been inflicted by the fighter bull.

Detectives from the homicide department collect evidence from a cowshed where Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale's farmhand Kizito Moi was alleged gored to death by a fighter bull he was tending, February 1, 2024.
Detectives from the homicide department collect evidence from a cowshed where Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale's farmhand Kizito Moi was alleged gored to death by a fighter bull he was tending, February 1, 2024.

Government pathologist Johansen Odour has confirmed that Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale's longtime farmhand, Kizito Moi, was indeed killed by a bull.

This was after a second autopsy was conducted to reveal the cause of death, following allegations that the senator did it.

Police from the Homicide Unit at DCI headquarters, Senator Khalwale, and Kizito's family members were present.

Odu0r had conducted a second autopsy after there were complaints arising from the first one, which was done by the local pathologist.

Addressing the media on Saturday, Oduor said that the injuries caused to Kizito's body were caused by a penetrating item that appeared neither sharp nor blunt.

"What I found is that the late Kizito had injuries on the right side of the forehead. There was one on the anterior neck and on the inner thigh of the left leg," he said.

"Looking at injuries, they were penetrating and had some features that included some blue bruising around them, and to look at them closely, they look like injuries that were caused by something that was penetrating but not very sharp and was a bit blunt, which is in keeping with the horn of an animal," Oduor added.

From the findings, the State pathologist concluded that the initial autopsy was correct as was caused by an animal.

The doctor representing the complainants was also present during the procedure and concurred with Oduor's findings.

Senator Khalwale expressed his gratitude to both the state and local pathologists and the team of investigators for revealing the cause of death.

"I'm glad now that the government pathologist has announced the closure of the case on the cause of death because he confirmed what was concluded in the first autopsy. I pass my condolences to the family, my community, and the bullfighting fraternity," he said.

The body will now be released for burial.

Detectives on Thursday visited Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale’s Malinya home for the second day in a row to continue investigations into the death of his longtime farmhand, Kizito Moi.

Moi’s body was found on Sunday inside a cowshed, where the senator claimed he was gored to death by a fighter bull he was tending. 

“Day three of investigations into the untimely death of my fighter bull caretaker. The sleuths were back today. I thank Mr Martin Nyukundi from the national homicide department for assurance that nothing is being left to doubt,” Khalwale said in an update on X.

On Wednesday, the lawmaker said he was ready to cooperate with the detectives to clear the air after some quarters claimed there was more to Moi’s death than meets the eye.

He rubbished claims, doing the rounds on social media, that he had a hand in the death of his long-time farmhand.

"I have readily opened up my home to the police to afford them an opportunity to make credible and conclusive investigations into this sad death, thereby enabling them to pursue the matter to a logical conclusion before burial plans continue," the senator said.

“Who are the people who have said that? You are a journalist. You are asking the senator of Kakamega to clarify issues on social media,” he told the Star on the phone when reached for comment.

Khalwale said he will broadcast every bit of the ongoing investigations because he has nothing to hide.

Kizito’s body had multiple injuries believed to have been inflicted by the fighter bull.

An autopsy on his body is due at the Kakamega County General Hospital.

Khalwale killed the bull named ‘Inasio’ on the fateful Sunday in what he said was in keeping with the Luhya culture.

The rite was performed in the full glare of the media and the police.

The senator said on Wednesday he has since postponed Kizito’s burial until police unravel the truth into allegations levelled against him by "pseudo politicians.".

Moi, 47, had been Khalwale’s farmhand for more than 20 years.

“He came here when he was a boy,” Khalwale said in an interview on Sunday.

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