CS Miano: Kenya committed to working with Japanese investors

Miano highlighted Kenya's robust democracy and pro-business policies.

In Summary
  • Miano is in the company of President William Ruto who is on a state visit to Japan.
  • The CS said Kenya has extended a hand in offering a diverse range of export opportunities to Japan.
Trade Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano speaking at the Kenya Japan Business Forum during her visit to Japan on February 8, 2024.
Trade Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano speaking at the Kenya Japan Business Forum during her visit to Japan on February 8, 2024.

In a bid to bolster economic ties between Kenya and Japan, Trade Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano has underscored Kenya's commitment to providing a conducive environment for Japanese investment.

Speaking at the Kenya Japan Business Forum during her visit to Japan, CS Miano highlighted Kenya's robust democracy and pro-business policies, emphasizing the safety and security of Japanese investments in the East African nation.

Miano is in the company of President William Ruto who is on a state visit to Japan.

CS Miano outlined Kenya's favourable investment climate that includes constitutional protection of property rights, allowing for 100 per cent repatriation of profits and interests.

"With a burgeoning logistics infrastructure comprising ports and airports, Kenya stands as a strategic gateway for Japanese businesses looking to expand their presence in Africa," she said.

Miano encouraged Japanese companies to capitalize on Kenya's pro-business environment and favourable global rankings by establishing a stronger foothold in key sectors such as manufacturing, energy, health, agriculture and ICT.

She stressed the importance of fostering increased business-to-business (B2B) deals and facilitating trade balance through enhanced exports to Japan.

The CS said Kenya has extended a hand in offering a diverse range of export opportunities to Japan, including agricultural and horticultural products, textiles, apparel, and leather goods.

She said the country has presented attractive investment prospects in manufacturing, health, agriculture, digital and creative economy, affordable housing and green economy sectors to Japanese investors.

The bilateral discussions further emphasized the mutual benefits of collaboration between Kenyan and Japanese businesses, with a focus on driving innovation, promoting sustainable development, and fostering private-sector partnerships.

CS Miano's visit signals Kenya's proactive approach to strengthening economic relations with Japan and tapping into the vast potential for trade and investment between the two nations.

As Kenya continues to position itself as a regional economic powerhouse, its partnership with Japan underscores a shared commitment to fostering growth, prosperity, and cooperation on the global stage.

Miano added that with a strong foundation built on trust and collaboration, the future is promising for deeper economic integration and prosperity between Kenya and Japan.

Trade Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano and Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs Musalia Mudavadi at the Kenya Japan Business Forum during her visit to Japan on February 8, 2024.
Trade Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano and Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs Musalia Mudavadi at the Kenya Japan Business Forum during her visit to Japan on February 8, 2024.
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