A team of doctors have conducted the first laparoscopic surgery to get a kidney from a donor at the Kenya National Hospital.
The surgeons made several small incisions in the donor’s abdomen and removed the kidney using surgical instruments and a long, thin tube with a camera at the end (laparoscope).
The three-hour operation at the KNH was led by urologists Dr Paul Njogu and Dr Charles Waihenya.
The procedure was conducted on Dickson Ndekei, who donated his kidney to his cousin Dickson Njorogeson.
Traditionally, Ndekei, a healthy donor, would have undergone a major operation where the kidney would be removed through a large incision.
The minimally invasive surgery is carried out in a small incision.
"We are moving from the traditional open method to a far more advanced modern frontier," Njogu said.
“For the open one, it leaves a scar, but with this method it is barely noticeable and therefore aesthetically appealing. It takes less time thereby reducing the turnaround time with better clinical outcomes."
The procedure has a shorter recovery period and the complication rate is low. In addition, the quality and function of the transplanted kidneys are excellent.
Njorogeson, the recipient, was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure last year.
He always felt tired and worn out after work and could not sleep well. These signs, Njoroge thought, were normal signs and symptoms of diabetes he has had since 2004.
He said his eyes also turned yellowish, while his sight was blurry.
Njoroge then went to PCEA Kikuyu Hospital but was referred to KNH.
“At KNH fortunately, the problem was diagnosed as kidney failure. I started dialysis sessions at the renal unit. The doctors advised that there were two options; dialysis and transplant. I opted for transplant after confirming that it is successfully done in the hospital. I brought my brother and sister for donor matching and they both failed," he said.
Ndekei, his cousin, agreed to donate one of his kidneys.
“This was a personal decision that did not need the family's intervention. Im happy I was able to help,’ he says.
KNH CEO Evanson Kamuri said the hospital will improve the operational efficiency of its kidney transplant programme.
“Our focus now is to reduce our operational efficiency of our transplant programme. This includes reducing our turnaround times. The presence of our tissue typing lab is also a bonus for us. It only takes a few days to get tissue typing results at a less cost,” he said.