Joho, Oparanya free to vie for ODM party leader position - Raila

"Mtu asiseme ya kwamba Baba is an automatic candidate for presidency."

In Summary

• Speaking Mombasa, Raila insisted that no one should say the party leader position is a reserved for him.

• The ODM leader said that should the members feel that he is tired and it is time for someone new to lead the party, he will fully support their decision.

ODM leader Raila Odinga with former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, Governor Abdulswamad Nassir and other leaders during a visit to Kongowea market on February 13, 2024.
ODM leader Raila Odinga with former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, Governor Abdulswamad Nassir and other leaders during a visit to Kongowea market on February 13, 2024.

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader Raila Odinga now says that his two deputies and former Governors Hassan Joho (Mombasa) and Wycliffe Oparanya (Kakamega) can vie for the party leader position in the coming elections.

Speaking in Mombasa, Raila insisted that no one should say the party leader position is reserved for him.

The ODM leader said that should the members feel that he is tired and it is time for someone new to lead the party, he will fully support their decision.

The former Prime minister added that he is not indispensable and he can move on to doing other things, should ODM members want another person to take charge of the party.

"Now those from the county and constituency will go to the national delegates’ convention and there, they will choose all the national leaders. Even a new party leader will be chosen. If they choose Baba (Raila), it is okay, if they don’t choose him its fine. It’s Democracy.

"No one should say that Baba is an automatic candidate for the presidency. Hassan Joho is a deputy party leader of ODM, Oparanya is a deputy party leader of ODM, and they are entitled to vie for the seat of ODM party leader. ODM's presidential candidate position is also on the table.

"If we agree, Baba should continue it's fine. If they see that Baba is tired and should sit aside and let someone else try. It is okay. That is what democracy is. If Mama Ida says that Baba is tired, he cannot continue, it is fine," Raila said.

The Azimio leader insisted that what he wants to leave to the next generation of leaders is a working democratic system within the ODM party.

He noted that he wants to have a strong party that is not tied to himself.

"That is what I want to bequeath the future generation of our country. A democratic system that is working. Strong institutions that are working, not things which are personalised ati Raila akitoka ODM imekwisha. Hapana. ODM itakuwa kwa sababu Joho atakuwepo, Oparanya atakuwepo na wengine wote."

Raila said that the party is currently recruiting new members to strengthen itself and the Azimio coalition party.

He said that a stronger ODM means a stronger Azimio.

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