CJ Koome mourns retired Justice Akiwumi, terms him mentor and friend to many

She described him as a patriot who tirelessly served the country as a distinguished jurist.

In Summary
  • Through his service, Akiwami also advocated for a state and society firmly anchored in the rule of law and steady constitutionalism.
  • He chaired Akiwumi Commission of Inquiry into Tribal Clashes, which was appointed in 1998 to investigate various ethnic clashes in the country.
Late retired Justice Akilano Akiwami
Late retired Justice Akilano Akiwami

The Judiciary family led by Chief Justice Martha Koome has mourned the late Retired Justice Akilano Molade Akiwumi.

Akiwami's journey in the justice sector was marked by his service as a Judge of the High Court of Kenya from 1987 to 1993 and thereafter as a Judge of the Court of Appeal from 1993 to 2001.

He retired after his term at the Court of Appeal.

He also served as a Judge and President of the Comesa Court of Justice from 2000-2003, where he championed cross-border judicial collaboration and comparative co-development.

In the message of condolence penned by Koome, she stated that the late Judge was a patriot who tirelessly served the country as a distinguished jurist.

"He was known for enriching our legal framework and also significantly contributed to its development," the CJ added.

Through his service, Akiwami also advocated for a state and society firmly anchored in the rule of law and steady constitutionalism.

He chaired Akiwumi Commission of Inquiry into Tribal Clashes, which was appointed in 1998 to investigate various ethnic clashes in the country.

Following his retirement as a Judge, he became a leading advocate for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), being an arbitrator in numerous commercial disputes.

Koome noted that Akiwami's work promoted the use of ADR mechanisms in settling disputes.

"His work was the foundation of past, present and future endeavours to anchor values of inclusivity and cohesion in our beloved nation," Koome said.

Besides being a great workman, the CJ described Akiwami as a "mentor and a friend to many within the Judiciary and the broader legal fraternity."

She added that he was kind, generous, courageous and wise, and he impacted many lives.

"May the memories of Justice Akiwami's remarkable life and enduring contributions to justice provide solace to us all and inspiration to present and future generations of legal practitioners," Koome said.

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