Eric Omondi’s Sisi kwa Sisi births new bridge in Kisii village

A viral video of a school girl crossing a dilapidated footbridge prompted the initiative.

In Summary

• In early January, a video of a small school girl crossing a raging river on a dilapidated makeshift bridge went viral and caught the attention of the comedian.

• Omondi rallied Kenyans to support the construction of a modern footbridge and save the village from imminent danger that was lurking every time they used the bridge.

The new Kemunto Bridge within Nyakumbati Village in Kisii built through Sisi kwa Sisi initiative started by comedian cum philanthropist Eric Omondi, February 15, 2024.
The new Kemunto Bridge within Nyakumbati Village in Kisii built through Sisi kwa Sisi initiative started by comedian cum philanthropist Eric Omondi, February 15, 2024.

Comedian-cum-philanthropist and rights activist Eric Omondi has overseen the completion of a footbridge at a village in Kisii through his Sisi kwa Sisi initiative.

The initiative relies on Kenyans of goodwill to marshal finances towards assisting needy Kenyans to meet challenges such as clearing medical bills, paying school fees or starting businesses to rescue them from squalor.

In early January, a video of a small school girl crossing a raging river on a dilapidated makeshift bridge went viral and caught the attention of the comedian.

Moved by what he saw, Omondi rallied Kenyans on social media to support the construction of a modern footbridge and save the village from imminent danger that was lurking every time they used the bridge.

“How do these leaders even sleep at night? So this little girl faces death every morning. If she makes one little misstep that's it,” Omondi captioned the viral video on his Instagram page on January 13.

“I’m looking for this girl, we have to save her. We will bring her and her family to Nairobi. She will never cross this bridge of death again,” Omondi said.

The little school girl crosses Mugonga River in Nyakumbati Village in Kisii County.
The little school girl crosses Mugonga River in Nyakumbati Village in Kisii County.

“How about building a proper bridge to ensure her's and every other child's safety,” a user in the comment section suggested. Omondi heed the advice.

The bridge in question lies across the Mugonga River that cuts through Nyakumbati Village on the border of Bomachoge Borabu and Bobasi constituencies in Kisii County.

On January 16, Omondi officially started the fundraising to build the footbridge through his brainchild Sisi kwa Sisis initiative and construction works commenced almost immediately.

“The Community has so far tried to reinforce the bridge but it's not good enough. The wood is rotten, shaky and unsafe. It's just a matter of time before it collapses into tragedy. We are going to build this bridge today,” Omondi said.

After five days of nonstop work, Omondi said on January 20 that they were short of Sh340,000 to complete the bridge.

“Send whatever you can,” he rallied his Sisi kwa Sisi fraternity.

 Fast forward to February 15, Omondi said posted an update with a video showing a completed footbridge in place of the previous one that looked shaky. He named it after the small girl.

“Kemunto Bridge is complete. This young girl has changed a whole community. She is a heroin. This bridge is not only historical but also extremely symbolic,” Omondi said via Instagram.

“It symbolises a people's resolve, it symbolises the power in unity. That Kenyans can come together and solve their problems. We are bridging the gaps. “Team Sisi kwa Sisi nothing is impossible. Together everything is achievable.”

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