
Police probed for assaulting two technical students in Homa Bay

They lost an unknown amount of cash, their mobile phones and a motorcycle they were riding.


News15 February 2024 - 01:54

In Summary

  • One of the students was transferred to a Kisumu hospital for specialised treatment for serious injuries.
  • Boda boda riders stormed Othoro police station where the suspected officers are based to demand justice for the students.
Boda boda riders storm Othoro police station to demand for arrest of two suspected police officers at the station on February 13,2024

Police in Kabondo Kasipul constituency in Homa Bay are investigating their colleagues suspected of assaulting two students from Omuga Technical and Vocational Training College.

The officers are accused of attacking the students who were coming back to the college after taking a patient to Ramula subcounty hospital on Sunday night.

Both students are reported to have lost an unknown amount of cash, their mobile phones and a motorcycle they were riding back to school.

On Tuesday evening, a group of boda boda riders stormed Othoro police station where the suspected officers are based to demand justice for the students.

Omuga TVTC  principal John Owuoko said the matter was reported at Othoro police station.

He said the students were riding a motorcycle they were given by a friend to ferry a patient to hospital.

The owner of the motorcycle uses it for boda boda business. 

The two students had approached the owner and requested him to give them the motorcycle to take their sick colleague to hospital.

“The students and the patient boarded the motorcycle to go to hospital. But police officers reportedly attacked them on their way back from the hospital,” Owuoko said.

It is reported that the students met two men in police uniform.

Owuoko said one of the students was transferred to a Kisumu hospital for specialised treatment for serious injuries he sustained during the attack.

“We reported the matter for investigations,” he said.

One of the injured students said they identified one of the men as an officer at Othoro police station.

He said they were stopped by the officers who ransacked them.

The victim said he was hit on the face and lost consciousness when he tried to resist.

“I later got up and the officers were still standing there,” he said.

It is alleged that one of the officers took a mobile phone of one of the students and demanded its password.

The students also reported that the officers took the money they had. The suspects are said to have fled from the scene after the incident.

“We were later rescued by a group of other students who heard our cries,” he said.

Homa Bay County Police Commander Samson Kinne said the officers in question were being interrogated about the matter.

“An officer has denied the claims but we are still investigating the matter,” Kinne said.

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