Man caught personating chiefs, lawyers arrested in Likuyani

He was found with several rubber stamps for various assistant chiefs, school and lawyers.

In Summary
  • Likuyani Nyumba Kumi chairman Ineah Lihanda said the suspect is one of his trusted members in Soy center.
  • He said the suspect has been signing documents for parents seeking birth certificates, national ID cards and bursary application forms.
Suspect Jotham Wekesa at the Soy Assistant chief's office on February 16, 2024.
Suspect Jotham Wekesa at the Soy Assistant chief's office on February 16, 2024.

A man who has been allegedly personating assistant chiefs in two sublocations in Likuyani subcounty whilst reportedly extorting money from residents has been arrested.

The suspect, identified as Jotham Wekesa, was found with several rubber stamps for various assistant chiefs and school at the time of his arrest.

Also found were rubber stamps for advocates in Eldoret town.

Soy assistant chief Oliver Likuyani whom the suspect has been impersonating said he got concerned after he suspected a rubber stamp that was brought to him by a resident on Friday.

Some of the rubber stamps recovered from the suspect
Some of the rubber stamps recovered from the suspect

The suspect is also said to have been posing as Seregea assistant chief who is on leave and Likuyani chief.

The Soy assistant chief said the suspect was handed over to Likuyani police station for processing.

The suspect is said to be an employee in one of the private offices in Likuyani market.

Likuyani Nyumba Kumi chairman Ineah Lihanda said the suspect is one of his trusted members in Soy center.

He said the suspect has been signing documents for parents seeking birth certificates, national ID cards and bursary application forms.

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