Matara's bail in robbery with violence charges postponed due to delay in probation report

Probation Officer Margaret Manda notified the court that even though the report was ready, she could not submit it.

In Summary
  • Magistrate Mwaniki had in March directed the Officer to submit a report to guide the court on the amount of cash bail or bond to acquire Matara's freedom.
  • Magistrate Mwaniki ordered the Probation Office to avail the report on April 24, coinciding with a mention on the hearing date.
John Matara appearing before Ruiru Magistrate's Court where he was charged with robbery with violence and rape on March 6, 2024
John Matara appearing before Ruiru Magistrate's Court where he was charged with robbery with violence and rape on March 6, 2024
Image: FILE

John Matara's bail ruling in robbery with violence case has been postponed due to delays in the probation report.

Matara's name has become synonymous with at least two cases.

In one of the cases where he is facing charges of rape and robbery with violence, Matara will spend more time in custody awaiting ruling bail/bond release.

The decision was made by Ruiru Magistrate Charles Mwaniki on Tuesday after the Probation Officer failed to present her report in court.

Magistrate Mwaniki had in March directed the Officer to submit a report to guide the court on the amount of cash bail or bond to acquire Matara's freedom.

The court had then found that the state had not presented compelling reasons to deny the accused release on bail or bond terms.

On Tuesday, however, Probation Officer Margaret Manda notified the court that even though the report was ready, she could not submit it.

She explained that the county director had yet to approve it and that the regional officer also needed to give it a nod before the court received it.

Manda requested two weeks to facilitate the same.

At the same time, Matara's lawyer Samwel Ayora stated that he would avail time to collect the documents needed from the prosecution today.

The state did not oppose the submissions and requests.

Magistrate Mwaniki ordered the Probation Office to avail the report on April 24, coinciding with a mention on the hearing date.

In the matter before Ruiru Court, Matara is charged with robbing Sh88,300 from a woman codenamed NW at Kahawa Wendani on May 16, 2023.

At the time of the robbery, he is said to have used violence.

He is also charged with rape and sexual assault of the same woman on the same day.

He was charged on March 6, but he denied the charges and requested release on lenient bond/bail terms.

The same was opposed by the state citing another case before another court involving the man.

The state also said if granted bail, the accused might interfere with witnesses.

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