Mutahi Ngunyi to Gachagua: Resist any urge to fight Ruto

"Trust me. I am wrong sometimes, and right sometimes."

In Summary

• According to Ngunyi, it is too early for the Deputy President to do that regardless of the reason.

• His remarks came amid reports of a rift between Ruto and Gachagua.

President William Ruto shakes hannds with his deputy Rigathi Gachagua on Sunday, May 19, 2024 before starting his journey to United States of America for a State Visit.
President William Ruto shakes hannds with his deputy Rigathi Gachagua on Sunday, May 19, 2024 before starting his journey to United States of America for a State Visit.
Image: DPPS

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi now wants Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to resist any urge to pick a fight with President William Ruto.

According to Ngunyi, it is too early for the Deputy President to do that regardless of the reason.

"Dear Riggy G: Resist the urge to fight William Ruto too early. Not over Military choppers or the size of sandwiches at the State House. Resist," he said on X.

The political analyst went on to say that whoever is behind the alleged rift between the President and the DP is only after destroying him (Gachagua).

"Trust me. I am wrong sometimes, and right sometimes," Ngunyi added.

His remarks came amid reports of a rift between Ruto and Gachagua.

The reports have been fuelled by the alleged absence of Gachagua from key state functions.

Gachagua surfaced on Sunday in public at a church service in Nyeri after a week of silence.

His whereabouts had raised questions, especially after missing at least 11 state functions over the period.

His absence raised eyebrows during Ruto's reception of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni who was on a state visit to Kenya.

On Sunday, however, State House spokesperson Hussein Mohamed dismissed the reports on the fallout.

“To the best of my knowledge, there is no issue between the President and his Deputy,” Hussein said.

“The Deputy President’s office is an office with all capabilities and competencies. If you want to ask any question or find out anything about the Deputy President, you can get it there.”

Gachagua while speaking at Sacred Heart Endarasha Catholic Church, Kieni Constituency, Nyeri County on Sunday urged the people of the Mount Kenya region to unite and shun divisive politics.

Though he did not directly address the alleged rift with Ruto, the DP asked leaders from the region to avoid being used to fight others.

He said that Mt Kenya risks losing a lot if they fail to unite and speak in one voice

"As the DP, I decided to speak less and work more for the last 10 months, as the spokesperson of the Kikuyu community, I'm ready to work for my people," Gachagua said.

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