Gender, Culture and National Heritage Cabinet Secretary Aisha Jumwa has joined Uyombo residents in opposing a nuclear power project set to be implemented in Uyombo, Kilifi county by the Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA).
The Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), according to officials is expected to generate 1,000 megawatts by 2034 to cater for Kenya's soaring energy needs and spur industrial development.
"Kilifi is not a dumping site." Aisha Jumwa said.
In a video seen by the Star, CS Jumwa said that she would stand with the people of Matsangoni and the whole of Kilifi to challenge the project.
However, according to NuPEA, the project was already approved by the IAEA in 2021, and Uyombo has been identified as the most suitable site in the country.
The CS further alleged that some laws were not followed in the project and that the Nuclear Power and Energy Agency are aware of the effects the project will cause if implemented.
"It is better to prevent than to cure." CS Aisha said.
Meanwhile, the Star has learnt that Nupea obtained a licence for the construction of the meteorological tower and seismic station from the National Environmental Management Authority (Nema) on April 15, 2024.
This is after the nuclear agency submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment project report.
Residents also blamed their leaders for allowing the implementation of the project.
"This nuclear project poses a threat not only to people living in the area but also to Kilifi county as a whole, "One resident said.
However, NuPEA Director for Publicity and Advocacy Bassett Buyukah, said before the station is built, a feasibility study and environmental impact assessment will be done.
Nupea, in their site handing over report, drafted on May 20, 2024, by Kenneth Anakoli, a senior scientist and head of the Nupea Mombasa regional office, said they have engaged in preparatory activities for confirmation and detailed site characterisation of the preferred site.
“This is because of the critical significance the selection of a suitable and appropriate site has on the overall success of Kenya’s nuclear power program,” Anakoli said in the report.
Nema directed, as part of the licence conditions, that NuPEA implement and maintain an environmental management system, organisational structure and allocate resources that are sufficient to achieve compliance with the requirements and conditions of the licence.