Waiguru lauds MPs for new Sh400.1 billion allocation to counties

In the fiscal year ending June 2024, counties were allocated Sh385 billion.

In Summary

• The Kirinyaga Governor, on behalf of the COG thanked the Senate and National Assembly Committees involved in negotiations that led to the allocation.

• The deal was reached on Monday evening, giving devolved units additional funds amounting to Sh15 billion compared to the current fiscal period.

Council of Governors chairperson and Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru in Parliament on November 28, 2023.
Council of Governors chairperson and Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru in Parliament on November 28, 2023.
Image: FILE

The Council of Governors chairperson Anne Waiguru has responded after Parliament agreed to allocate the devolved units Sh400.1 billion in the financial year 2024-25.

In a statement, Waiguru said adequate funding of the county functions is a very welcome decision, by the governors.

"Devolution is sacrosanct in the constitution and adequately resourcing functions that counties are mandated to deliver is progressive and a welcome move," she said.

The Kirinyaga Governor, on behalf of the COG, thanked the Senate and National Assembly Committees involved in negotiations that led to the allocation.

"The Council of Governors specially thanks the Senate Finance Committee led by Senator Ali Roba and by extension the Division of Revenue Allocation Mediation committee of the Senate and National Assembly for increasing the Equitable share to counties by Sh9 billion to arrive at Sh400.1 billion in FY 2024-25."

The deal was reached on Monday evening, giving devolved units additional funds amounting to Sh15 billion compared to the current fiscal period.

In the fiscal year ending June 2024, counties were allocated Sh385 billion.

The allocation contained in the mediated shareable revenue for the next financial is the highest ever since the advent of devolution.

The agreement comes against the backdrop of a back-and-forth between the Senate and the National Assembly after they proposed different amounts.

The Senate had been pushing for Sh415 billion for counties while the National Assembly wanted counties allocated Sh391 billion.

After a stormy session in Parliament Buildings punctuated by intervals of breaks to consult,  the Senate agreed to climb down while the National Assembly reviewed its amounts upwards.

National Assembly Budget Committee Chairman Ndindi Nyoro who co-chaired the talks described the deal as a win for devolution.

This is the first time that the bicameral house’s mediation committee amicably agreed on the revenue division.

Previously, the matter had spilt to the floor of the Houses after deadlocked talks.

The Division of Revenue Allocation Bill 2024 was published and introduced in the National Assembly on March 12 this year after which it was considered and approved without amendments on March 20.

The National Assembly proposed Sh391 billion for counties and referred the Bill to the Senate for concurrence.

The Senate amended the Bill and proposed Sh415 billion for the counties’ shareable revenue.

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