Ruto lowers cost of sexed semen from Sh8,000 to Sh3,000

He said this will enable dairy farmers to increase the production and productivity of milk.

In Summary
  • At the same time, he announced that the government is launching a national vaccination programme to eradicate the PPR disease and control foot to mouth disease.

  • This is aimed at enhancing livestock disease and pest management.

President William Ruto during the Madaraka day celebrations in Masinde Muliro stadium, Bungoma on June 1, 2024.
President William Ruto during the Madaraka day celebrations in Masinde Muliro stadium, Bungoma on June 1, 2024.
Image: PCS

President William Ruto has directed that the cost of sexed semen be brought down from Sh8,000 to under Sh3,000, to enable dairy farmers to increase the production and productivity of milk.

Speaking during the Madaraka Day fete in Bungoma, he said they have taken several interventions aimed at improving genetics and eliminating feed-water supply constraints, diseases, and barriers to market access.

"Key actions include the implementation of a countrywide breed improvement programme in collaboration with the counties and to upgrading of dairy and beef breeds," he said.

"I have directed that the cost of sexed semen be brought down from Sh8,000 to under Sh3,000 which will enable dairy farmers to increase the production and productivity of milk."

In 2023, Ruto said the Kenya Animal Genetic Resource Centre provided farmers with 900,000 doses of bull semen with the aim of increasing production and productivity. 

He also notified that the goat artificial insemination station at the Animal Health and Industry Training Institute Ndomba, Kirinyaga, has produced 48,000 doses of goat semen and trained 80 goat inseminators.

The President said the veterinary services are essential to safeguard animal and human health, improve animal welfare and productivity and ensure the production of safe, high-quality animals and thus promote food security and domestic, as well as international trade.

"I want our livestock farmers to work with confidence and rest assured of consistent, reliable, and effective provision of vaccines. In 2023, the modernised Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute produced 35 million doses of assorted livestock vaccines," he added.

At the same time, he announced that the government is launching a national vaccination programme to eradicate the PPR disease and control foot to mouth disease.

This is aimed at enhancing livestock disease and pest management.

"Under this programme, more than 22 million cattle will be vaccinated against foot and mouth disease, while 50 million goats will be vaccinated through a collaborative nationwide exercise," Ruto said. 

He added that the government will provide vaccines and facilitate vaccination, while county governments will provide logistical support and human resources.

"1,500 veterinary surgeons and 6000 animal health assistants will provide health and husbandry services to our farmers," the President said.

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