Judges rescind stance on go-slow initially set for Wednesday

KMJA says Chief Justice Martha Koome has assured that their concerns are being addressed.

In Summary
  • During a presser on Sunday, Justice Radido had told members of the Association to cease service provision across all courts effective Wednesday.
  • He, however, said the decision has been rescinded after CJ Martha Koome assured them of their security and general working conditions in the workspace.
Justice Stephen Radido.
UNLAWFUL: Justice Stephen Radido.
Image: FILE

The Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association has rescinded its decision on complete freeze over safety concerns following the death of their colleague Monica Kivuti.

Kivuti was shot on June 13 at the  Makadara Law Courts as she presided over a case.

She succumbed to her injuries Friday evening following the shooting.

A senior officer whose wife's bond she had cancelled for skipping court session felt aggrieved by the decision and opened fire hitting her on the hip area and chest.

In a statement on Tuesday, the President of the Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association Justice Stephen Radido said the Association would no longer be on a go-slow from June 19 to 22, 2024.

He said the decision was arrived at after Chief Justice Martha Koome assured them of their security and general working conditions in the workspace.

On June 17, CJ Koome declared Tuesday a day of mourning and for normal court operations to resume on Wednesday.

Justice Radido said the CJ assured them concerns raised were already being addressed and called on the Association membership to adhere to the directions issued by the Chief Justice on June 17, 2024.

"The National Council met today and reconsidered its position as communicated on June 16, 2024, and resolved that in light of the assurance and commitments given by the Judiciary leadership and concerned organs of state, the resolution on complete work stoppage from June 19 to 22, 2024 be recalled," Radido said.

During a presser on Sunday, Justice Radido had told members of the Association to cease service provision across all courts effective Wednesday.

"Judges, magistrates, Kadis, registrars, deputy registrars and judicial staff will stop providing services from June 19 to June 21, both days inclusive," Radido said.

On Tuesday, he said they had taken note of the stance by other stakeholders in the administration of Justice, including the Law Society of Kenya, and reconsidered their stance.

Meanwhile, Radido announced that the burial date for their slain colleague magistrate Monica Kivuti has been set for Saturday, June 22, 2024.

This, he said, also advised their decision to recall the directive to freeze court services.

"Considering that the Judiciary family is still in mourning and hurting and that arrangements for the burial of our sister Honourable Monica Kivuti are ongoing with the burial scheduled for June 22, 2024," Radido said.

"The membership is eager to participate fully in the arrangements, the National Council calls on the membership to adhere to the directions issued by the Honourable Chief Justice on June 17, 2024."

The Judiciary has termed Kivuti's murder as the greatest assault on the Kenyan Criminal Justice System.

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