Gachagua heaps praise on Ndindi Nyoro at Kenya Kwanza PG

The rare move could throw the spanner in the works with regards to the Mount Kenya succession war.

In Summary
  • The DP's remarks on Tuesday signal a new dawn that could see Gachagua and Nyoro work together in the raging succession race.
  • Gachagua's praise of Nyoro could be seen as an indirect political jibe at National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Tuesday made a rare admission, detailing how Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro has helped him in the past.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua shakes hands with Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua shakes hands with Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Tuesday made a rare admission, detailing how Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro has helped him in the past.

Gachagua heaped praise on the youthful MP saying he has been a beneficiary of his wide knowledge of economics including when he faced Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua for the running mate debate in 2022.

''I want to say that my younger brother here Ndindi Nyoro has done a good job, I am also a beneficiary of Ndindi's economic policies,'' Gachagua said during the Kenya Kwanza Parliamentary Group meeting at State House on Tuesday.

The PG was chaired by President William Ruto at a time when there is raging internal strife in the Kenya Kwanza camp.

"When I was planning to go for the running mate debate with Martha Karua, it was the honourable Ndindi Nyoro who sat me down and gave me a few tips on matters economy."

The DP revealed that the MP also saved him from the jaws of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta's administration, often hiding in his house to evade weekend arrests.

"For those of you who may not know, for many days when I was in trouble with the previous administration for fear of arrest over the weekends, I would spend the weekends in Ndindi Nyoro's house," Gachagua said.

"His (Nyoro) wife Sofia would make a meal for me but the only problem is that the whole weekend he would bombard me with economic issues."

The DP said the young leaders especially those in the budget and finance committees of Parliament are doing a "tremendous job".

"There is no doubt in my mind that they are doing a very good job," he said on Nyoro and his Finance counterpart Kimani Kuria.

"We want to encourage our young people to continue working for this country," Gachagua said.

The DP's revelation came when he was a loggerhead with other youthful politicians, especially National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah.

Ichung'wah last weekend laughed off Gachagua over his Mount Kenya unity drive.

While a section of Kenya Kwanza MPs have been on a war path with Gachagua, Nyoro has opted to remain tight-lipped on the raging war.

He has been traversing the country holding high-profile harambees alongside other Kenya Kwanza linchpins amid talk he is eyeing a bigger political slot in 2027.

A section of leaders is said to be allegedly pushing Nyoro to replace Gachagua as President Ruto's deputy in 2027 following claims of a falling out.

The DP's praise of Nyoro could throw a spanner in the works concerning the succession debate in Mount Kenya as he signals a thawing of ties.

Gachagua's praise of Nyoro could be seen as an indirect political jibe at  Ichung'wah who is leading the political war against the DP.

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