Gachagua lead agent as UDA set to swallow Mudavadi's party

ANC officials endorsed the move at a meeting with President Ruto at State House, Nairobi

In Summary
  • A team of experts was formed to steer the merger process, which the President has reportedly promised to expedite.
  • The team is expected to work on the political and legal instruments that will solidify the pact.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and President William Ruto during ANC and UDA merger meeting at State House on June 19, 2024.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and President William Ruto during ANC and UDA merger meeting at State House on June 19, 2024.
Image: PCS

The stage has been set for merger of ANC with rulling party UDA.

ANC officials and former party leader Musalia Mudavadi on Wednesday endorsed the move at a meeting with President William Ruto at State House, Nairobi.

ANC party leader Issa Timamy told the meeting that the merger was an idea whose time had come.

“The constitution of our party permits us to merge. When we work together we become stronger we then succeed in enabling an effective and stronger government and better governance ecosystem in Kenya,” he said.

Timamy said ANC wants the merger to be by amalgamation and not absorption.

“By this, ANC and UDA will form a new political party which we shall all join as members. This will form a necessary legal cushion to our respective membership and more critically to our respectable elected members at the county assemblies and Parliament,” he said.

In this regard, a team of experts was formed to steer the merger process, which the President promised to expedite.

The team is expected to work on the political and legal instruments that will solidify the pact.

UDA fronted Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire, Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah and former URP secretaryb general Fred Muteti to handle legal affairs.

ANC appointed chairman Kelvin Lunani, secretary general Omboko Milemba, Nick Biketi, Kennedy Omulo, Nathaniel Mong’are and Timamy.

“The merger plan was agreed to formally. It has been a long conversation between the Prime CS and the President. We expect our team to conclude this task by end of this month,” Mong’are said.

The team is expected to delve into issues including a new brand identity for the party.

“We will also discuss how to merge the membership. ANC has four million while UDA has about eight million members, bringing the new team to a membership of 12 million strong,” Mong’are said.

The team will discuss how to treat the party structures and how to deal with the slogans.

“We will strike a common ground on the slogan, like decide on a uniform one like ‘pesa mfukoni’ – currently common to all the entities,” he said.

Omulo said a national delegates conference will be convened to ratify the process even as each party resolved to engage their membership.

“The ultimate goal should not just be about merging parties but merging visions aspirations and futures. Together, we can build a stronger more inclusive and prosperous nation,” Timamy said.

The Lamu governor said the party will manage the anxiety that such a change can spark.

Ruto said he is keen to consolidate and solidify the place of democracy in Kenya.

“Kenyans want a country run by them, not the deep state. I will make sure that as a democratic country, all institutions work for Kenyans. It is the way to take Kenya into the future,” he said.

The President said strong political parties are the foundation of national unity and strong democratic governance.

To consolidate their role in democracy, Ruto said political parties must cease being mere election vehicles and become the rallying point for national cohesion and transformation.

Mudavadi urged ANC officials and members to be part of a bigger formation.

“Let us be pound-wise not pound-foolish politically,” he said.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary, who resigned from the party following his appointment, said it is not practical for him to have candidates against the President.

“Who signed the gazette notice that made me Prime Cabinet Secretary? Would it be fair if I am the Prime Cabinet Secretary and then sponsor a candidate to take on the person who appointed me to the position? It is a serious conflict of interest,” he said.

“After my moment of meditation on the best place to work and direct ANC, I am satisfied that with President William Ruto you’re in safe hands.”

“The alternative would have been to keep quiet and let you go in wilderness. That would have been highly irresponsible of me,” he said.

Mudavadi defended Ruto against claims that he forced the merger.

“This has been an ongoing conversation. I believe you are safer working with him than being out in the wilderness. Embrace this moment,” he said. 

“All we want is victory for the team and the team leader is President William Ruto.” 

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