Sifuna: ODM to recall MPs who voted yes to Finance Bill

The Finance Bill, 2024 passed the second reading stage in Parliament.

In Summary
  • After the Tuesday voting, the Bill proceeds to the Committee of the whole House for consideration of proposed amendments.
  • The Committee is comprised of the whole membership of the National Assembly.
ODM leader Raila Odinga and party secretary general Edwin Sifuna during a meeting with Mt Kenya East political leaders at Chungwa House on November 10, 2021.
ODM leader Raila Odinga and party secretary general Edwin Sifuna during a meeting with Mt Kenya East political leaders at Chungwa House on November 10, 2021.
Image: FILE

Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna has said that he will petition the MPs who voted yes to the Finance Bill to get recalled.

Sifuna who doubles up as the Orange Democratic Movement Secretary-General said he was proud of the MPs who were against the Finance Bill.

This comes hours after the Finance Bill, 2024 passed the second reading stage.

The exercise saw 204 MPs vote yes while 115 rejected it.

"I celebrate the 115 patriots who heeded the call of Kenyans and voted against the Finance Bill 2024. Know their names.  As to the 204 who voted yes, I will leave it to our new overlords, Gen Z, to do with as they please," he said.

He said that action would be taken against those who voted yes for the Finance Bill 2024.

"As SG of ODM I will be recommending to the Party NEC that we initiate recalls in one or two constituencies held by some of those who went against the wishes of the people," Sifuna added.

After the Tuesday voting, the Bill proceeds to the Committee of the whole House for consideration of proposed amendments.

The Committee is comprised of the whole membership of the National Assembly.

"Members, the matter of the Finance Bill is now over, we wait for the committee of the whole, those who have amendments to file, clerk and his team will process those amendments," National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangu'la said.

Hundreds of Kenyans across the country took to the streets to protest against the Finance Bill 2024.

The protests started at 11:30 am on Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi.

Police used tear gas to disperse the large crowd, leading to clashes as protesters threw tear gas canisters back at officers.

The demonstration was organised through social media to encourage residents to join in.

Unlike Tuesday’s Occupy Parliament protests, Thursday saw the demonstrations held countrywide in major cities and towns as dissent against the proposed taxes grows by the day.

MPs are expected to take a vote on the Bill on Tuesday, June 25.

In Nairobi, anti-riot police had at some point unleashed water cannons on defiant protesters whose focus was on breaching barriers they had erected to cordon off all access roads to Parliament.

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