Governors convene 3-day training for land court judges on climate change

The training will take place in Mombasa between June 27 and 29

In Summary
  • The Council of Governors has convened a three-day training for the Environment and Land Court (ELC) Judges on climate change.
  • The workshop will be held in Mombasa between Thursday and Saturday this week.
Council of Governors chairperson Anne Waiguru leads the governors during a full council meeting to discuss the ongoing doctors' strike at the CoG headquarters in Nairobi on April 16, 2024.
CASH CRISIS: Council of Governors chairperson Anne Waiguru leads the governors during a full council meeting to discuss the ongoing doctors' strike at the CoG headquarters in Nairobi on April 16, 2024.

The Council of Governors has convened a three-day training for the Environment and Land Court judges on climate change.

The workshop will be held in Mombasa between Thursday and Saturday this week.

“The overall objective of the training is to equip the judges in the ELC to adjudicate legal disputes related to carbon markets,” a document from the CoG states.

The county bosses are undertaking the training under the Financing Locally Led Climate Action programme, which aims to deliver locally-led climate resilience actions.

FLLoCA also seeks to strengthen National and County governments' capacity to manage climate risks.

It is implemented by the National Treasury, assisted by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry and CoG.

According to the training concept note, the exercise will centre on carbon markets and emerging technologies as well as the Climate Finance Landscape and its interface with the carbon markets landscape.

The training will also focus on the policy and legal framework governing carbon markets in Kenya and internationally and carbon trading mechanisms and carbon accounting and reporting.

“The training will equip them with the necessary expertise to interpret relevant regulatory frameworks, assess evidence, and make informed decisions in cases involving emissions trading, environmental violations, climate-related disputes and secure the interests of communities within community lands,” it states.

The training will help the judges in determining disputes relating to compulsory acquisition of land, land administration and management and matters relating to public, private and community land.

By understanding the intricacies of carbon markets, judges can uphold the rule of law, and protect the rights of affected parties. 

“Judges therefore play a critical role in adjudicating legal disputes related to carbon markets, ensuring fair and effective enforcement of environmental laws,” the document states.

It adds, “They will contribute to the development of a sustainable and equitable society that addresses the urgent challenges of climate change mitigation and adaptation.”

CoG is implementing the programme through its Legal, Constitutional Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations Committee.

The Committee is chaired by Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr.

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