You've earned our respect! ODM tells Gen Zs over demos

"We know how difficult it is to achieve the things that we have seen you do."

In Summary
  • The Raila Odinga-led party said that youth have earned their respect on how much they have achieved in a few days.
  • ODM said that these achievements include being able to raise funds in a few days to cater for hospital bills for those injured in the protests.
Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna and other ODM Party top officials addressing the media at Capital Hill, Nairobi on April 3, 2024
Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna and other ODM Party top officials addressing the media at Capital Hill, Nairobi on April 3, 2024

The Orange Democratic Movement party has commended youths for what they termed as outstanding work in organising the anti-Finance Bill protests.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Raila Odinga-led party said that youth have earned their respect on how much they have achieved in a few days.

ODM said that these achievements include being able to raise funds in a few days to cater for hospital bills for those injured in the protests.

"We are in awe of the Kenyan youth who through their unity of purpose have stood with their fallen colleagues and raised verse sums of money in very short times to pay hospital bills for the injured," secretary general Edwin Sifuna said

"As a mass movement that has been on this journey of true liberation for a long time, we know how difficult it is to achieve the things that we have seen you do. You have earned our respect as a party and we salute you."

The party also condoled with those who have lost their lives in standing up against the oppressive Finance Bill, 2024.

The Orange party further called for a stop to the use of force by the police in the peaceful protests.

The party said that its position remains that no one has to die for exercising their constitutional right.

"As believers in the right to peaceful protests enshrined under Article 37, we condemn in the strongest terms possible the abuse of police in the deployment of violent suppression techniques on innocent unarmed protesters."

The party further condemned the "ongoing arbitrary abductions" of innocent Kenyans.

"As we speak, reports are that upwards of 50 individuals have been illegally abducted and their whereabouts unknown," the party said.

"To make it worse, it is clear that no one in government is ready to take responsibility, render an apology and make amends."

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