Governor Mutula Jnr issues 179 allotment letters in Kikima town

He said the endeavour is aimed at improving security of land tenure in the area.

In Summary
  • Each plot owner will pay Sh16,000 for the allotment letters to allow the processing of title deeds for their plots by September, Kilonzo said.
  • Early this year, Governor Kilonzo issued 600 title deeds to public utilities including schools, churches, water dams and cattle dips to protect them from grabbers.
Residents of Mbooni subcounty of Makueni county file past land officials to receive their allortment letters in Kikima town on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.
Residents of Mbooni subcounty of Makueni county file past land officials to receive their allortment letters in Kikima town on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

Makueni Governor Mutula Kilozno Jr on Wednesday issued allotment letters to 179 plot owners of Kikima town, Mbooni subcounty.

The endeavour is aimed at improving security of land tenure in the area, he said.

Speaking to the press, Kilonzo mentioned that Makueni has for years been plaguegd by land ownership wrangles, which has hampered development due to prolonged court cases, and at times resulting to unwarranted bloodbath.

He said his administration has prioritised resolution of all such disputes by collaborating with the Ministry of Lands in planning and titling 157 parcels in Emali, 349 parcels in Kibwezi and 410 parcels in Makindu.

"Allotment letters for 104 parcels in Nunguni town, Kaiti, are also ready for issuance," Kilonzo added.

Each plot owner will pay Sh16,000 for the allotment letters to allow the processing of title deeds for their plots by September, he said.

Lands executive committee member Nicholas Nzioka said the county government is working closely with the National Land Commission to fast-track adjudication and issuance of title deeds in all pending settlement schemes and sections, namely Ngai, Mang’elete, Muthingiini, Ngaindethya, Kyamuoso, Kiboko A&C, Utithi and Kathyaka.

He said the county government is also running land clinics where residents are helped to fill affidavits and prosecute estate succession for faster processing of title deeds.

Early this year, Governor Kilonzo issued 600 title deeds to public utilities including schools, churches, water dams and cattle dips to protect them from grabbers and encroachment by 'cartels'.

"It's healthy for the counties to use an elaborate system to secure land tenure as a resource of county to improve its own source revenue," noted Eric Nyadimo, president, Institution of Surveyors of Kenya.

Makueni County Commisioner Henry Wafula applauded the move saying it has come as fresh breath to chiefs and their assistants who have been dealing with many cases around land ownership.

Jennifer Mwanthi, a nominated MCA in the County Assembly of Makueni, urged the governor to assist all public utilities in Mbooni to acquire title deeds.

"Our people in Mbooni will be economically empowered from these title deeds," she noted.

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