Kisii traders wail, block road over destruction caused by demos

Drug stores and phones were also stolen during the protests.

In Summary
  • Outside the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital, a group of small-scale female traders wailed uncontrollably after waking up to the utter destruction of their businesses.
  • The traders consisted of fruit vendors, plastic sellers and beverage traders.
Small scale traders protesting along the streets following destruction of their businesses by vandals (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
Small scale traders protesting along the streets following destruction of their businesses by vandals (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)

A section of Kisii Traders have lamented vandalism and extensive destruction of their businesses following the violent Tuesday demonstrations.

Outside the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital, a group of small-scale female traders wailed uncontrollably after waking up to the utter destruction of their businesses.

The traders consisted of fruit vendors, plastic sellers and beverage traders.

Others were cloth dealers. They all found nothing on site but destruction.

The Star witnessed extensive vandalism and looting in most shops and eateries at the place.

A drug store was left a shell after suspected looters broke it and turned the shelves upside down during the anti-government demos.

By Wednesday morning, embers from wooden stalls were still shouldering on the road where police laid a barricade to forestall a planned arson on the street.

Further destruction was witnessed at the Capital Roundabout where a trader said he had lost hundreds of phones to suspected looters.

The Kisii traders barricading the streets in anger over looting (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
The Kisii traders barricading the streets in anger over looting (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)

One trader who had joined the protests returned and found his shop broken into and goods stolen.

At the bus park, a hotelier said goons broke into his popular restaurant and looted food.

"They also ran away even with the plates," he told the Star.

Outside the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital, the women asked Governor Simba Arati to intervene.

"I have three children who rely on this for food and fees, now I have lost everything, please help us," said Moraa.

Robina Kerubo, a fruit vendor said her life had been turned upside down by the looting.

"As a widow, it had been tough. It has gotten even tougher now. God help me, I have nobody to turn to," she cried.

Gladys Mokeira says she lost vacuum flasks and basins during the looting.

"Now tell me what next? Please help me," she said.

Protests by traders in Kisii over losses (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
Protests by traders in Kisii over losses (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
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