Judges pay tribute to Justice David Majanja

Special, brilliant, an extraordinary individual - high court judge eulogised by colleagues

In Summary
  • High court judge David Majanja passed on at Nairobi hospital after a minor surgery
  • He was described as a gentle giant, true friend and a brilliant legal mind
Justice David Majanja takes oath as a member of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) on May 28, 2024.
Justice David Majanja takes oath as a member of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) on May 28, 2024.
Image: FILE

He was a gentle giant; he was a true friend and a brilliant legal mind.

These were just few words colleagues used to mourn high court judge David Majanja who passed on at Nairobi hospital after complications following minor surgery. Below are tributes from judges.


Former Chief justice Willy Mutunga

A great anchor to and great pillar for the judiciary transformation; and the development of transformative jurisprudence for our country has fallen.

This is a monumental loss to the judiciary and the nation.


Supreme court Judge Isaac Lenaola

I am very saddened by the sudden death of my colleague and friend, David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja. Having known and worked with him for over 20 years both in the Bar and on the Bench, I can confidently say that he was special.

His judgments were highly respected for their thoroughness, extensive research and jurisprudential significance. His dedication to upholding the rule of law and the Constitution through well-informed decisions undoubtedly left a lasting impression on the legal community.

His contribution to judicial reforms as a judge and member of the Judicial Service Commission will continue to shape the legal landscape for years to come. 

May his family find comfort at this time of deep pain upon his demise and may his soul rest in eternal peace.


Supreme court Judge William Ouko

Mr Justice David Majanja was until last night a member of a group I chair, planning a family event for one of our colleagues. We had a scheduled meeting for Saturday.

On Monday he called to convey his apologies as he was scheduled to undergo a “minor” surgery. It was therefore with shock that I learnt of his sudden and untimely death yesterday, just two days after we spoke.

Maj, as we his friends called him, was an extraordinary individual; towering jurist, admired and treasured by his colleagues on the Bench and at the Judicial Service Commission.

He brought intellect, energy, passion, well reasoned judgments and wit to the Bench. He was extremely respectful and humble.

His passing is indeed a great loss to the High Court and the country he so loyally and with dedication served. We, his colleagues will miss him but his family on whom the greatest loss has fallen and who he so deeply loved will miss him even more. To them, I and my family extend our deepest condolences. May the Almighty God receive him and grant him eternal peaceful rest.

Rest well ndugu.


President of court of appeal Judge Daniel Musinga

Justice David Majanja was a brilliant, hard working high court judge and a commissioner at the Judicial Service Commission. He discharged his judicial duties very meticulously. Always focused and quite articulate in his arguments. He was also very amiable. We shall miss him dearly.


Judge Luka Kimaru

Justice David Majanja was a believer of substantive and responsive justice in serving those who sought justice in his court.

He came up with innovative ideas to improve the delivery of justice in a timely manner. For instance when he was a resident judge at Homa Bay, he came up with a calendar for murder cases to be heard on specific days for particular police stations. This enabled the witnesses to be easily availed and the completion of the hearing of murder cases in record time. For this he was recognised by the performance directorate. He was a team player who was always ready to mentor those young members of the bar and the bench. He was amiable, keen listener and friendly. May his soul rest in eternal peace.


Judge Boaz Olao

 The late Majanja was a humble yet brilliant Judge.  Twice voted as Judge/ Jurist of the year and recently elected for a second term to represent Judges on the Judicial Service Commission - a clear reflection of the trust his peers had in him. He certainly had a bright future in the Judiciary and poised for greater things to come. The Judiciary has lost a beacon.


High court judge JR division John Chigiti

I remember commissioner Majanja as a jovial judge who never wanted to harm or hurt anybody and just wanted good for everybody.

He was always welcoming with a handshake and a smile that always teases you. He had hearty laughter in his baritone but when it came to the business of access to justice and access to law, you found a totally intelligent and firm judge. I will forever miss him.


Appeal judge Lydia Achode

He was such a happy soul and so generous. Anytime anyone was bereaved or sick he would be among the first to donate and visit. He had such a brilliant mind. You just love to read his judgement and rulings. He was so spot on and one easily understood his decisions.


Judge Judith Omange

Commissioner justice Majanja was not only a trailblazing accomplished jurist, but a friend who could be counted upon at all times. In good times and bad times Judge Majanja or Maj, as we fondly called him, was there. He was the colleague who would show up at that funeral, wedding or function no one else showed up.

We have lost a good judge, a fierce defender of the rule of law, a great mentor and a friend whose love knew no bounds. Judge Majanja it was an honour. Fare thee well our brother. 

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