
Big Man’s cronies fear they’ll be on chopping block over tenders

They think activists may demand the Big Man stop giving them sweet deals that cost the taxpayers’ a lot.


News15 July 2024 - 01:50

In Summary

  • • Nyanza governor afraid protesters will demand a purge in his county.
  • • A businessman has decamped to Nairobi to avoid an aggressive politico who wants favors and a feast.
Who's doing what to whom, why, when, where and how

Top business people and friends around a big man are worried, especially after the recent protests that claimed the entire Cabinet, except for Musalia Mudavadi. One such influential individual was overheard saying they were privy to the goings-on and were seemingly the next focus point. Their suspicion follows claims they supposedly get deals and favours from the big man. Reportedly they fear the activists may now demand the big man to stop dealing with them because their deals could have also cost the country a fortune. We await the next move as there are plans to even kick the group out of the big man’s inner circle.


The wave of Gen Z protests is making a Nyanza governor shiver at the thought of the young Turks raiding the county government offices. The governor, who is purportedly facing audit queries in the latest Auditor General's report and is at loggerheads with the deputy county chief, fears that political enemies might use the opportunity to embarrass officials of the devolved unit. With the protesters supposedly threatening to shift focus and occupy everywhere, including county government offices, how will the panicking county chief react?


A vocal opposition political figure from Nyanza who has been sympathetic to the regime is the talk of the town. Corridors of Power understands the politician, who is ordinarily expected to stay in his county to work for his people, has allegedly been camping in Nairobi. It is understood that he has been hovering around the offices of his party leader in the capital. He has purportedly been seeking an audience with the party boss to endorse his urge to team up with the powers that be in the 2027 polls. However, the party leader is said to have heard of his intentions and decided to allegedly avoid him completely.


Speaking of avoiding people, that is the thinking of a businessman at the sight or mention of a top local government official. The business leader is edgy that the county officer is purportedly staking too much on allegedly bidding for the regional outfit. The county officer is said to be pursuing very personal interests and is reportedly frustrating the business to give up more than necessary. Corridors of Power is apprised the man allegedly wants an exclusive treat at the businessman’s premises and keeps dangling ‘imaginary powers’ to bid his way in.

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