Ruto gazettes Mudavadi acting CS for all ministries

Last week, the President dissolved his Cabinet, sending home 21 CSs and the Attorney General

In Summary

• When announcing the sacking of the CSs, Ruto had said he acted after an extensive appraisal of the Cabinet performance.

• With Mudavadi as acting CS, major ministerial decisions will now proceed unimpeded.

Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi during in Nairobi on June 5, 2024
Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi during in Nairobi on June 5, 2024
Image: FILE

President William Ruto has gazetted Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi as the acting CS for all ministries.

The gazette notice is dated July 12. Last week, the President dissolved his Cabinet, sending home 21 CSs and the Attorney General.

Only Mudavadi, who is also the Foreign and Diaspora Affairs CS, survived the purge.

The dismissal of the CSs was as a result of the pressure from anti-government protests.

Ruto had said sending the CSs home was to allow for the formation of a “broad-based government” that involves players from the opposition.

That in accordance with Article 152 (5) (b) of the constitution, the Cabinet secretaries listed below have been dismissed from office as stated, namely [...]” the notice reads, before listing all the former CSs starting with Kithure Kindiki (Interior).

Mudavadi will now oversee the work of all the ministries, where the bulk of the work is being executed by principal secretaries.

That pursuant to Article 152 (5) (a) of the Constitution, Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi is assigned as the acting Cabinet Secretary in all vacant ministerial portfolios,” the notice said.

The notice also affirms the dismissal of the Attorney General.

“That in accordance with Section 12 (1) of the Office of the Attorney General Act (Chapter 6A, Laws of Kenya), the appointment of Hon. Justin B N Muturi, EGH as the AttorneyGeneral is rescinded,” it said.

When announcing the sacking of the CSs, Ruto had said he acted after an extensive appraisal of the Cabinet performance.

He said he will consult different sectors and political formations to identify those who will assist him in accelerating Kenya’s transformation.

Ruto said he is keen on the implementation of radical programmes to deal with corruption, debt, domestic resources, jobs and wastage in government.

He also allayed fears the running of government would be interrupted, saying the PSs, who are the principal accounting officers for ministries, would remain in charge.

With Mudavadi as acting CS, major ministerial decisions will now proceed unimpeded.

“During this process, the operations of government will continue uninterrupted under the guidance of principal secretaries and other relevant officials,” he said.

“Even with the progress we have made, I am acutely aware that the people of Kenya have high expectations of me and believe that this administration can undertake the most extensive transformation in our nation’s history.” 

Ruto said the government has achieved significant progress in increasing food production by reducing the cost of farm inputs, thereby lowering the cost of food and living.

“We have also stabilised the economy by preventing what was an imminent debt default, stabilising fuel prices, lowering inflation and stabilising the foreign exchange regime, among others,” he said.

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