Ex-CS Kiunjuri takes Moses Kuria for lunch after Cabinet exit

Kuria took Kiunjuri out for lunch in 2020 when he lost his position as a CS

In Summary
  • Kuria in a post through his X handle disclosed that Kiunjuri had taken him for lunch moments after missing out on Cabinet slots.
  • Kiunjuri who is Laikipia East Member of Parliament served as Agriculture CS under Uhuru Kenyatta's regime.
Former Cabinet Secretaries Moses Kuria and Mwangi Kiunjuri after having lunch on July 24, 2024
Former Cabinet Secretaries Moses Kuria and Mwangi Kiunjuri after having lunch on July 24, 2024

Former Cabinet Secretaries Mwangi Kiunjuri and Moses Kuria had lunch together amid government changes.

Kuria in a post through his X handle disclosed that Kiunjuri had taken him for lunch moments after missing out on Cabinet slots.

According to Kuria, he had equally taken Kiunjuri out for lunch in 2020 when he equally lost his position as a CS, and thanked him for returning the favour.

"On January 14, 2020 my friend Festus Mwangi Kiunjuri was fired from Cabinet. On that day I took him out for lunch. Today my brother has returned that favour. It was a good lunch. Asante Mwangi," he said.

Kiunjuri who is Laikipia East Member of Parliament served as Agriculture CS under Uhuru Kenyatta's regime.

Former Cabinet Secretaries Mwangi Kiunjuri and Moses Kuria when they had lunch together on January 14, 2020
Former Cabinet Secretaries Mwangi Kiunjuri and Moses Kuria when they had lunch together on January 14, 2020

Kuria who served as the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service lost his slot after President William Ruto fired all his Cabinet Secretaries.

On July 11, Ruto dissolved his Cabinet, sending home all Cabinet Secretaries and Attorney General.

Last week the President named the first batch of 10 CSs leaving a vacancy of 11 others given that Prime CS and CS for Foreign Affairs Musalia Mudavadi had been in office.

During his address to the nation on Wednesday, the President nominated 10 CSs as the second batch of nominees.

The President nominated Justin Muturi for the Ministry of Public Service.

Upon successful vetting and approval by the National Assembly, Muturi will succeed Kuria.

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