Kindiki to Ruto: Thank you for uniting the country

Ruto on his part described Kindiki as a hero, for the work he has done for the country.

In Summary
  • Kindiki said Ruto has his full support in the decision he has made in the interest of the country.
  • He insisted that it is now time to work for the people of the Republic of Kenya.

Interior Cabinet Secretary nominee Kithure Kindiki has lauded President William Ruto for uniting the country.

President William Ruto with Interior CS nominee Prof Kithure Kindiki in Marimanti, Tharaka Nithi County on July 25, 2024.
President William Ruto with Interior CS nominee Prof Kithure Kindiki in Marimanti, Tharaka Nithi County on July 25, 2024.

Interior Cabinet Secretary nominee Kithure Kindiki has lauded President William Ruto for uniting the country.

Kindiki said Ruto has his full support in the decision he has made in the interest of the country.

He was speaking in Marimanti, Tharaka Nithi county where the President is for a development tour of the region.

He insisted that it is now time to work for the people of the Republic of Kenya.

"Thank you for unifying our country. Thank you for the decision you made. It is now time to work. We are behind you and God bless you Mr President," Kindiki said on Thursday.

The former CS in his earlier remarks assured the Head of State that all leaders will work together.

He said this will be done to ensure the common government agenda is achieved.

"I want to assure you that those of us you have given jobs as ministers, PSs and other public servants will work with the elected leaders of your party and other leaders to ensure that the agenda of this government is fulfilled," Kindiki added.

His remarks come after Ruto picked at least four leaders from the Opposition party ODM to join his Cabinet.

They include Hassan Joho, Wycliffe Oparanya, JohnMbadi and Opiyo Wandayi who all have been handed cabinet portfolios 

President Ruto speaking at the same event described Kindiki as a national hero for the work he has done for the country.

Ruto said Kindiki will be his Interior CS in his new government.

"Huyu Profesa Kithure Kindiki ni mtu shujaa, amefanya kazi mpaka wale magaidi walikuwa wanatusumbua kule Lamu wametoroka. Kulikuwa na watu wanaitwa bandits wakiluwa wamesumbua watu wa Baringo."

(Professor Kithure Kindiki is a hero. He worked until terrorists who were bothering us in Lamu ran away. There were people called bandits who were harassing the people of Baringo.)

He went on to say that because of Kindiki's work, schools that had been closed for over 19 years are now open.

Ruto said it is the reason he reappointed Kindiki to the position he held before he dissolved his entire cabinet.

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