Wamuchomba adds voice on calls for release of protesters

Ruto on Wednesday ordered the release of wrongfully detained protesters and charges against them dropped.

In Summary
  • Wamuchomba expressed solidarity with the families of those who have disappeared, emphasising that the government cannot ignore their suffering.
  • Her remarks come amid growing concerns over human rights abuses and the need for greater transparency and accountability within the police force.
Githunguri Member of Parliament Gathoni Wamuchomba during the Limuru III conference on May 17, 2024.
Githunguri Member of Parliament Gathoni Wamuchomba during the Limuru III conference on May 17, 2024.
Image: FILE

Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba has called for the release of missing persons believed to have been arrested during recent protests and demanded accountability from authorities.

Wamuchomba expressed solidarity with the families of those who have disappeared, emphasising that the government cannot ignore their suffering.

"It cannot be business as usual when cries of mothers over their missing young people are in the air," she said.

The MP further condemned police excesses including arbitrary arrests saying they should be addressed.

Wamuchomba pointed out that Kenya is a democracy governed by the rule of law, and such violations undermine its principles.

Her remarks come amid growing concerns over human rights abuses and the need for greater transparency and accountability within the police force.

Wamuchomba has been on the frontline in condemning excessive use of force by police officers.

“There is no justification for police to spray the suspected hazardous orange liquid into residential houses in Pipeline, Zimmerman and Mirema estates of Nairobi. I condemn this heinous aggression by the police against children and mothers of Kenya,” Wamuchomba said.

She noted that while the police must keep order, they have no authority to enter private homes, rentals and churches.

After Tuesday’s Gen Z protests the police cannons were seen spraying orange stuff into resident’s houses.

Mombasa Governor Abdullswamad Sheriff Nassir also called on President William Ruto to honour his promise and dismiss all cases against anti-government protesters.

During a grant distribution event for local fishing groups in Mombasa, Nassir emphasised that those injured or killed during the recent protests should also be compensated.

The governor emphasised the need for justice and support for the affected families.

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