ODM MPs scramble for Wandayi's minority leadership slot

Key ODM stalwarts wants to succeed Opiyo Wandayi in the National Assembly leadership post

In Summary
  • Some of the frontrunners include Rarienda MP Otiende Amollo and Suba North's Millie Odhiambo.
  • Enbakasi East MP Babu Owino has declared himself the opposition leader but is also among those touted to succeed Wandayi.
Rarienda MP Otiende Amollo who is one of the frontrunners for the minority leadership post
Rarienda MP Otiende Amollo who is one of the frontrunners for the minority leadership post
Image: FILE

Top allies of ODM leader Raila Odinga are jostling for the position of National Assembly minority leadership post.

This is after Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi, who has been occupying the position, was nominated to the Cabinet.

President William Ruto picked Wandayi as Energy and Petroleum Cabinet Secretary under the Government of National Unity.

He is awaiting parliamentary approval before he takes up the post.

Wandayi's anticipated exit from the House has triggered a vicious scramble for the position with key ODM stalwarts eyeing the post.

The position is the third in the pecking order in the National Assembly after the speaker and the majority leader.

Among the heavyweights being touted as Wandayi’s successor include seasoned lawyer and Rarienda MP Otiende Amollo.

Amollo is serving his straight second term in the National Assembly.

Others are Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo, James Nyikal(Seme ), Jared Okello(Nyando), Babu Owino(Embakasi East) and George Aladwa (Makadara).

Raila is expected to have the final decision on who takes over from Wandayi, but he faces a delicate balance in the process.

Raila would also decide on the Secretary of Political Affairs post which Wandayi occupied alongside the minority leader slot.

The ODM boss would consider regional, experience, gender and loyalty dynamics before settling on the next National Assembly minority leader.

Some of those eyeing the position have publicly declared their interest in the post even before it falls vacant.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Odhiambo took Wandayi’s sitting position in the House when the Ugunja MP was not in the Chamber.

“For clarity, I do not want a deputy leadership position in Parliament at all. I have declared an interest in minority leadership. I have not changed," Odhiambo said.

She is one of the most experienced lawmakers, serving her third straight term in the House.

As the battle for the position heightened, Aladwa declared on his social media account that he was the best bet for the position.

“I am an ODM elected legislator, I have been consistent in my defence of the party, I have courageously pushed the agenda of our ODM party both in the house and out here in the public and I believe I can offer the much-needed leadership as a Minority leader or deputy party leader," Aladwa wrote on his X account.

It has emerged that ODM MPs in the House are holding consultations to build consensus among themselves on Wandayi’s successor.

Some ODM MPs held an informal meeting on Wednesday night in Nairobi and resolved to support Amollo for the position amid signals that Raila is keen to maintain the position in Siaya.

Raila is said to have a soft spot for Amollo because of his sacrifices for the party whenever ODM has faced legal issues in Court.

Amollo is also seen as an astute debater who can be relied on to face off with some of Kenya Kwanza’s best orators including Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah.

Some argue that ODM should ensure regional balance in the distribution of its leadership posts for fairness.

Some argue that with Wandayi flying the flag from Siaya, it would be prudent and politically logical for his successor to come from a different county in Luo Nyanza.

Homa Bay has nominated MP John Mbadi who has been proposed to join the Cabinet as Treasury CS, technically knocking out Odhiambo if the formula is applied.

Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma also sits in the Speaker’s Panel, an influential designation equivalent to House leadership.

In Migori, Suna East MP Junet Mohamed is already the minority whip.

Nyikal and Okello come from Kisumu County. Nyikal is serving his third term while Okello is on his second term.

Others are of the view that the position should be given to a competent leader irrespective of regional considerations.

Babu who has declared himself the official opposition leader following the nomination of ODM MPs to Cabinet is also being touted as Wandayi’s successor.

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