Raila, Ambassador Groth hold discussions on Pan-Africanism

Raila and Groth also talked about issues to do with Germany and his student years in the country.

In Summary
  • The two discussed on various topics including politics, Raila's Pan-African vision and his student years in Germany.
  • "Very impressed by his German language skills, nimezungumza lugha la kijerumani na Baba (I have spoken in Germany with Baba)," Groth said.
Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga with Germany Ambassador Sebastian Groth on August 6, 2024.
Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga with Germany Ambassador Sebastian Groth on August 6, 2024.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga on Tuesday held talks with Germany Ambassador Sebastian Groth.

The two discussed various topics including politics, Raila's Pan-African vision and his student years in Germany.

"Very impressed by his German language skills, nimezungumza lugha la Kijerumani na Baba (I have spoken in Germany with Baba)," Groth said.

Raila studied at the Herder Institute in Leipzig in Germany between 1963 and 1964 soon after clearing his high school education at Maranda High School in 1962.

Raila's biography indicates that he holds an MSc (Master of Science) in Mechanical Engineering from Germany.

Herder Institute trained foreign students in the German language and was part of the philological faculty at the University of Leipzig in East Germany.

After Herder Institute, Raila received a scholarship in 1965 that sent him to the Technical College of Magdeburg, which is now part of the Otto Von Guericke University Magdeburg following a merger.

Raila visited the schools in February, shortly after announcing his bid for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson on February 15, 2024.

His bid was submitted by the State Department for Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei and a host members from Raila’s secretariat, in Addis Ababa, on July 29.

The AUC has set August 6, as the deadline for the submission of the candidacy of the various hopefuls seeking to succeed Moussa Faki.

The government explained why the former Prime Minister is the best fit for the AUC chairmanship, noting his Pan-Africanist credentials, suitability, vast networks across Africa and his proven competence to lead AUC.

"It is a fact that Africa is endowed with vast human and natural resources that have yet to be fully harnessed for the benefit of its people. That is why the AU needs a catalytic and visionary leader to unlock this potential.

"The remarkable life and exemplary career experiences of the Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga makes him a perfect fit to sit at the helm of the AUC to drive Africa's transformation and Agenda 2063," the government said

The State Department of  Foreign Affairs went on to say Raila has previously formulated priorities and strategies to address the most pressing challenges facing the continent including, African Integration and Infrastructure Development, Economic Transformation and Enhancing Intra-African Trade.

The government said the Opposition leader has also formulated policies to address Financial Independence, Gender Equity and Equality, Agricultural Transformation, Climate Action, Peace and Security and Youth Empowerment Agenda for Africa.

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