In courts: Brian Mwenda's impersonation case proceeds today

Wheels of Justice: Court stories lined up for today.

In Summary

• Mwenda is facing charges of making a fake certificate for admission to practice law as an advocate.

• He has denied the counts of making a false document, uttering a false document and identity theft.

In courts today
In courts today
Image: The Star

The trial of Brian Mwenda accused of impersonating a High Court advocate is scheduled to commence today.

Mwenda is facing charges of making a fake certificate for admission to practice law as an advocate.

He has denied the counts of making a false document, uttering a false document and identity theft.

In the first count, he is charged with intent to deceive, knowingly and fraudulently making a false document namely a certificate of admission p 105/21249/22 in the name of Brian Mwenda N.

He allegedly purported it to be a certificate of admission to practice as an advocate of the High Court duly issued by the deputy registrar of the High Court.

Mwenda is said to have committed the offence between August 30, 2022, and March 3, 2023, at an unknown place within the country.

He face another charge of fraudulently uttering a forged certificate of Admission in the name of Brian Mwenda N on March 3, 2023, at the law firm of Mwangi Kiai LLP Advocates offices in Westlands within Nairobi.

The accused was further charged with making a fake practising certificate for the year 2023 in the name of Brian Mwenda N purporting it to be a practising certificate issued by the chief registrar of the judiciary.

The court heard on October 9 at the law firm of Micheka Omwenga and company advocates offices, that the accused person forged a practising certificate for the year 2023.

Separately, the hearing of the case against the former director at REREC accused of forging academic papers to secure promotion proceeds today as well.

Dennis Thuo Kimani was charged in May this year with 11 counts of forgery in relation to his academic papers.

He is accused of forging his academic certificates to secure a job at REREC.

"Between 1st April 2022 and 31st July 2022 within Nairobi County in the Republic of Kenya, being employed at the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation to wit as a Supply Chain Management Assistant (Procurement and Disposal), you fraudulently acquired Sh311,974.5 being salary from the Rural Electrification and Renewable," Count one read.

He has since denied the charges of forgery, uttering false documents and fraudulent acquisition of public property, the cumulative amount of salaries and benefits that he earned based on the fake certificates.

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