DIG Lagat transfers senior police officers in changes

The new Lamu County commander will be Edward Kipsang.

In Summary
  • Kipsang replaced William Samoei Kibiwott who was moved to the General Service Unit College in Embakasi and named the commandant while Titus Mutune was named as his deputy.
  • Judy Kalondu was named the staff officer personnel at the Kenya Airports Police Unit while Joshua Kasoka will be the commanding officer at headquarters.
Acting DIG KPS Eliud Lagat
Acting DIG KPS Eliud Lagat

The Deputy Inspector General of Kenya Police Eliud Lagat Monday moved 17 senior officers in an effort to enhance operations in the service.

These are the first changes Lagat has made since he took over as the DIG Kenya police.

Among those moved in the changes dated August 12 include Rift Valley deputy regional commander Richard Rotich who was moved to the General Service Unit and named the deputy commandant. Rotich takes over from Omar Bashane who has retired.

The new Lamu County commander will be Edward Kipsang.

Kipsang replaced William Samoei Kibiwott who was moved to the General Service Unit College in Embakasi and named the commandant while Titus Mutune was named as his deputy.

Judy Kalondu was named the staff officer personnel at the Kenya Airports Police Unit while Joshua Kasoka will be the commanding officer at headquarters.

William Sawe is the new head of operations at the GSU while Nixon Auka will be based at the headquarters.

Other changes include Charles Chesir (in charge of transport at GSU), Mwanadoyo Mayaa (Gender and welfare at GSU), David Kigai (deputy commander headquarters), James Mamir (training) and Vitalis Adawa (headquarters).

Lagat named Judy Gichuba as the officer in charge of leadership and management faculty at the B campus and Bernard Mbatha as the deputy director of operations at police headquarters.

Siaya County police commander Cleti Kimaiyo was redeployed to GSU’s Recce unit and named the deputy head.

Philomen Leshoo was named the sub-county commander Rachuonyo.

A new commander will be sent to Siaya County, Lagat said.

Lagat said the changes are normal and aimed at enhancing operations in the service.

More changes are expected in the service in the coming days.

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