Let's unite like President Ruto has shown us – Sakaja

Sakaja said that in politics, there are no permanent enemies and urged other leaders to work together.

In Summary
  • Ruto walked the talk after he vowed to unite the country and incorporated members of the Opposition into his new Cabinet.
  • He appointed John Mbadi National Treasruy CS, Wycliffe Oparanya (Cooperatives and MSMEs) Hassan Joho to Mining and Opiyo Wandayi (Energy).

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has commended the unity call being spearheaded by President William Ruto.

Ruto walked the talked after he vowed to unite the country and incorporated members of the Opposition into his new Cabinet.

Sakaja said that in politics, there are no permanent enemies and urged other leaders to work together and deliver services as one government.

"Let us unite. Now that the President and ODM party leader Raila Odinga have formed a broad-based government, let us deliver to our people," Sakaja said.

He was speaking on Sunday when he attended a church service at  Africa Inland Church (AIC) in Pipeline, Embakasi South, Nairobi.

Ruto plucked four members of the Opposition ODM party and put them in charge of ministries. 

He appointed John Mbadi to head the National Treasruy, Wycliffe Oparanya to Cooperatives and MSMEs docket, Hassan Joho to Mining and Blue Economy and Opiyo Wandayi to Energy Ministry.

On Saturday, Oparanya confirmed that he was ready to work with President Ruto.

Speaking at Malava in Kakamega county, the former Kakamega governor thanked the President for choosing him as part of his Cabinet and vowed to put in the work needed.

"I have obeyed the call. I will now join the President to develop the country," he said.

Oparanya said he will not involve himself in politics anymore, adding that he will stick with Ruto to develop Kenya.

Oparanya said in the short period that he has been part of the Kenya Kwanza government, he can attest that it has developed the country.

"You know when I was outside, I didn't know what was inside. But now that I'm inside, I know how it is," he said.

Kisii Governor Simba Arati said the Opposition party, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) is ready to work with Ruto.

The ODM deputy party leader urged leaders to put any differences they have aside and work for the people.

Arati also asked that they all support President Ruto to deliver on his promises for the remainder of his first term.

"I want to plead with leaders who are here, let's put our differences aside and work with the President for the remaining time to make sure development comes to the people," he said on Tuesday.

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