How Senators will conduct Mwangaza impeachment hearing

Today’s session is set to end at 6:30pm and adjourn until Tuesday 9am.

In Summary
  • On the second and last day of the trial, Mwangaza will be accorded an opportunity to present her case before the House.

  • Senators will also be allowed to ask questions or seek clarifications from her.

Senators during a session.
Senators during a session.

The Senate has laid out an elaborate plan of how it will conduct the impeachment hearing for the beleaguered Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza.

The House is set to conduct the process commencing today.

During the two-day trial, lawyers representing Mwangaza and the County Assembly are set to face off as key witnesses lined up by both parties present their cases.

As per the order paper, the charges against the governor as submitted by the County Assembly shall be read out by the clerk of the Senate.

The Governor will then be allowed to take a plea on the charges.

This will be followed by an opening statement by the County Assembly and thereafter, by the Governor.

After the conclusion of the opening statements, the County Assembly will proceed to present its case.

Once this is completed, the senators will be allowed to ask questions or seek clarifications from the County Assembly.

Today’s session is set to end at 6:30pm and adjourn until Tuesday 9am.

On the second and last day of the trial, Mwangaza will be accorded an opportunity to present her case before the House.

Senators will also be allowed to ask questions or seek clarifications from her.

This will be followed by closing statements by the parties for a period not exceeding one hour each.

The Senate shall then proceed to a debate prior to voting on each of the charges.

At this stage, a supplementary Order Paper will be issued to facilitate this debate.

In accordance with Section 33(7) of the County Governments Act, 2012 and Standing Order 80(6) of the Senate Standing Orders, the voting shall be by county delegations.

This means that nominated senators are not allowed to take part in the process.

If a majority of the county delegations vote to uphold any impeachment charge, the governor shall cease to hold office.

If, however, the vote fails to result in the removal of the governor, pursuant to Standing Order 80(7), the Speaker shall notify the Speaker of the Meru County Assembly accordingly.

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