Security chiefs hold peace procession to improve public trust

County Commissioner Mohamed Mwabudzo said peace and security is a shared responsibility

In Summary
  • Garissa Town has witnessed a series of insecurity incidences
  • The peace caravan was led by security officials
Garissa County Commissioner Mohamed Mwabudzo flags off the peace caravan in Garissa town.
Garissa County Commissioner Mohamed Mwabudzo flags off the peace caravan in Garissa town.

Incidences of insecurity have become a common occurrence in Garissa town recently. 

These attacks are meted out by young people wielding machetes, knives, pangas and in some cases, armed with guns.

However, a spirited campaign by security agencies to restore sanity has seen a lull in the aggressions for the last one week.

County Commissioner Mohamed Mwabudzo said peace and security is a shared responsibility and the police and the public must work together.

“Let us all agree as residents, the security agencies and our investors that we will not allow criminals in our midst,” Mwabudzo said.

“A criminal has no brother or neighbour and will have anyone as a victim, like we have been people being attacked by their brothers.” 

He urged unlicensed gun holders to take advantage of the United Nations amnesty programme, which is active in September every year.

“I am calling on anyone who has an illegal gun to surrender it to my office or any police station during this amnesty. After this amnesty, we will come for these firearms and shall not negotiate with anyone on this issue,” Mwabudzo said.

Garissa County Commissioner Mohamed Mwabudzo adressing residents after flagging off the peace caravan in Garissa town.
Garissa County Commissioner Mohamed Mwabudzo adressing residents after flagging off the peace caravan in Garissa town.

“We are also asking the community leaders and elders, because they are respected in the villages, to hold public barazas and ask the people to surrender any illegal weapon to us in a peaceful manner,” he added.

The commissioner noted that the government has the capacity to maintain peace and protect every Kenyan and no one should hide illegal firearms under the guise of protecting themselves.

“We have different security troops in all parts of this county, even in the most interior areas. We ask our citizens not to work with al Shabaab terrorists but work with our forces so that we get rid of the terrorists and attract investors here who will help us to grow,” he said.

Garissa Township OCPD Samuel Boit urged residents to share information on any illegal activities.

“We want you to be able to come to us and tell us that so and so is breaking into people's shops and stealing, or someone is smoking bhang or even someone is carrying knives or guns around and committing crime. My office will respond swiftly and take action,” Boit said.

Garissa Township OCPD Samuel Boit speaking.
Garissa Township OCPD Samuel Boit speaking.
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