We'll not allow you to undermine Raila - ODM tells off Azimio leaders

On Sunday, Kalonzo allied Azimio leaders disowned Raila as one of them.

In Summary
  • Chairperson Gladys Wanga said those questioning Raila are hiding behind ODM members picked by President William Ruto to join his cabinet.
  • She said the party already released the said individuals and they are in cabinet in their capacities.
ODM chairperson Gladys Wanga and Deputy Party leader Godfrey Osotsi, among other leaders during a press briefing at Chungwa House on August 19, 2024.
ODM chairperson Gladys Wanga and Deputy Party leader Godfrey Osotsi, among other leaders during a press briefing at Chungwa House on August 19, 2024.

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has told off Azimio leaders questioning their leader Raila Odinga's commitment to the Opposition.

Speaking on Monday, chairperson Gladys Wanga said those questioning Raila are hiding behind ODM members picked by President William Ruto to join his cabinet.

She said the party already released the said individuals and they are in cabinet in their capacities.

"The questioning of ODM and Raila Odinga's commitment to Opposition, our partners are not acting in good faith. They are hiding behind the four gentlemen and using it to try and wrestle the leadership of the houses of parliament from ODM," Wanga said in a statement.

She noted that the Orange party will not accept anyone to arm-twist Raila into endorsing them for the leadership of Azimio.

"We will not accept any continued attempts to use Raila Odinga as a human shield, any continued attempt to arm-twist him into endorsing anybody at this stage, or any continued attempt to use him as an excuse for the failure of leadership in individual constituent parties of Azimio."

Wanga insisted that ODM will continue to play its opposition role and will not engage with anyone acting in bad faith and with ulterior motives,

She said in parliament, the leadership is all about numbers and ODM has that in the Opposition coalition.

"We find that unacceptable and we wish to reiterate the obvious, the House leadership is about numbers in the house and not those in government. As we speak, ODM has the highest number of MPs professing and committed to Azimio's ideals and principles.

"Majority of the MPs from a number of other coalition parties long went to bed with Kenya Kwanza in Parliament."

The statement comes a day after Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka's allies disowned opposition boss Raila Odinga as the coalition’s leader.

Speaking on Sunday, the team which included Kalonzo, and DAP-K party leader Eugene Walalwa said they are preparing for 2027 without Raila.

The team said Azimio would not fold or join the government despite Raila working closely with President William Ruto under the broad-based government.

Kalonzo said Azimio is determined and clear about where the coalition is going, refuting claims of facing dilemmas.

“Some are saying we are softening, others are saying we are at the crossroads, please disabuse anybody who is thinking we are softening," Kalonzo said.

“We have been here before and we know where we are going, we want to tell Kenyans that we are with them."

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