Ruto and Raila ceasefire a blessing and a curse for Western political landscape

It remains unclear whether political rivals will help the region harness its potential

In Summary
  • Appointment of Oparanya as CS is likely to alter the political landscape of the vote-rich region, known to give top-up votes
  • Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi's appointment as ODM deputy party leader is also a sign of supremacy battle in Vihiga – Mudavadi's home county
President William Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga having a discussion at President Yoweri Museveni's Kisozi country home in Uganda on February 26, 2024.
SUCCESSION: President William Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga having a discussion at President Yoweri Museveni's Kisozi country home in Uganda on February 26, 2024.
Image: PCS

The new bromance between President William Ruto and Opposition leader Raila Odinga could be a blessing or a curse for Western in 2027.

It remains unclear whether the broad-based government that has brought together political rivals will help the region harness its potential.

While Prime Cabinet Secretary  Musalia Mudavadi and National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula campaigned for Ruto, Cooperatives CS Wycliffe Oparanya and DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa campaigned for Raila.

Appointment of Oparanya as CS is likely to alter the political landscape of the vote-rich region, known to give top-up votes.

Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi's appointment as ODM deputy party leader is also a sign of supremacy battle in Vihiga – Mudavadi's home county.

Khwisero MP Christopher Aseka has described the broad-based government as a blessing in disguise for Luhya community.  

He said the expanded government has given the Luhya community an opportunity to front a presidential candidate.

“The current arrangement gives Mudavadi, Wetang’ula and Oparanya a chance to unite and decide who among them should run for presidency in 2032. They should use the opportunity to engage the president and Raila for support in 2032,” Aseka said.

Ikolomani MP Bernard Shinali said unless top leaders rally behind one person, Western could lose opportunity for presidency.

“While the Luos have already united behind Raila, in Western we’re still divided with movements such as Tawe spearheaded by Trans-Nzoia Governor George Natembeya,” he said.

“People must realise that we should have one candidate to to have a stron voice."

Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale said the country is witnessing change.

“We should change with the change  and see how we can re-mould our politics so that we are not left behind,” he said.

Kakamega Deputy Governor Ayub Savula said the top three Luhya leaders should stick to their lanes.

He said Mudavadi, being the senior most Luhya leader, should development negotiations with the government.

Savula said Wetang’ula should leverage on his position and mobilise MPs  to push the region’s development agenda in Parliament.

Political scientist Robert Watangwa said Ruto wants to use the partnership with Raila to consolidate Western because Raila enjoys a huge following.

“The arrangement could be the beginning of crafting a line-up for 2027 but trouble will most likely start with sharing slots because Raila will most likely demand for running-mate slot which will complicate matters for Mudavadi,” he said.

Watangwa said Mudavadi has no muscles to compete with Raila because the former prime minister comes with numbers.

He, however, said tides may turn against ODM because majority of people in Western believe that Raila has been using Luhyas to benefit his Luo community.

“The latest is when ODM got four cabinet slots and Oparanya was given obscure Co-operatives and SMEs Ministry while Raila took the lucrative Treasury and Energy dockets," Watangwa said.

Political analyst Martin Oloo said Western is pulling in the same direction under the broad-based government.

“It is far fetched to imagine that appointment of Osotsi as one of the deputy party leaders in ODM is a scheme to undermine Mudavadi in own backyard,” he said.

He said Osotsi was elected as senator on ODM despite Mudavadi fielding a candidate.

Osotsi's appointment means ODM is still interested in Vihiga county.

Kakamega ANC chairman Tonny Maleche said the current arrangement will only benefit individual politicians and not the community.

The unity government will ferment more divisions in the region because Mudavadi, Wetang’ula and Oparanya will begin wars to outdo each other and endear themselves to the President.

“We are not sure that the political union will be of any help to the Luhya community. Mudavadi and Wetang’ula have for the last two and half years been there but there’s nothing to show in terms of economic development. How sure are we that the two plus Oparanya will be able to push the community to win national leadership?”  he asked.

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